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Harrington MG, Jackes BR, Barrett MD, Craven LA, Barrett RL (2012) Phylogenetic revision of Backhousieae (Myrtaceae): Neogene divergence, a revised circumscription of Backhousia and two new species. Australian Systematic Botany 25, 404-417.

Hislop M, Puente-Lelievre C, Crayn DM (2012) Leucopogon extremus (Styphelieae, Styphelioideae, Ericaceae), a remarkable new species that expands the morphological circumscription of Leucopogon sens. str. Australian Systematic Botany, 25, 202-209

Johnson KA, Holland BR, Heslewood MM, Crayn DM (2012) Supermatrices, supertrees and serendipitous scaffolding: Inferring a well-resolved, genus-level phylogeny of Styphelioideae (Ericaceae) despite missing data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62: 146-158

Karan M, Evans DS, Reilly D, Schulte K, Wright C, Innes D, Holton TA, Nikles DG, Dickinson GR (2012) Rapid microsatellite marker development for African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis, Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing and assessment of its intra-specific genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology Resources 12:344-353.

Kokubugata G, Nakamura K, Forster PI, Wilson GW, Holland AE, Hirayama Y, Yokota M (2012) Cassytha pubescens and C. glabella (Lauraceae) are not disjunctly distributed between Australia and the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan – evidence from morphological and molecular data. Australian Systematic Botany 25: 364-373.

Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Ahanchédé, A., Alfaya JEF, Andersen LW, Azam D, Bautista MaAM, Besnard A-L, Bigatti G, Bouétard A, Coutellec M-A, Ewédjè E-EBK, Fuseya R, GarcÍa-Jiménez R, Haratian M, Hardy OJ, Holm L-E, Hoy CW, Koshimizu E, Loeschcke V, López-Márquez V, Machado CA, Machordom A, Marchi C, Michel AP, Micheneau C, Mittapalli O, Nagai T, Okamoto N, Pan Y, Panitz F, Safaie N, Sakamoto T, Sharifnabi B, Tian E-W, Yu H (2013) Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 158–159.

Moulds T, Bannink P (2012) Notes on the cavernicolous arthropod fauna of Bullita Karst Area, northern Australia. Helictite 41: 75-85

Page T, Awarau W (2012) Performance of agarwood (Aquilaria crassna) seedling transplants improved by shade and fertiliser. Forest Ecology and Management 265, 258-269. 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.10.041

Page T, Tate H, Tungon J, Tabi M, Kamasteia P (2012) Vanuatu Sandalwood: Growers guide for sandalwood production in Vanuatu. ACIAR Monograph No. 149, Canberra, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

Page T, Tate H, Bunt C, Potrawiak A, Berry A (2012) Opportunities for the smallholder sandalwood industry in Vanuatu. TR079, Canberra, Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). ISBN:  978 1 921962 62 2 (print) 978 1 921962 63 9 (online)

Page T, Tate H, Potrawiak A, Berry A, Bled C (2012) Planted Sandalwood Developments in Vanuatu. Port Vila, European Union, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, James Cook University and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Page T, Tate H, Bled C (2012) Breeding behaviour of three sandalwood species (Santalum album, S. austrocaledonicum and S. lanceolatum). Port Vila, Vanuatu, European Union, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, James Cook University and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Phoon, S-N. (2012a) Juglandaceae. In: Kiew R, Chung RCK, Soepadmo E, Saw LG & Boyce PC (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Seed Plants Series 1, Volume 3, pp. 161–171. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Phoon S-N. (2012b) Ochnaceae. In: Kiew R, Chung RCK, Soepadmo E, Saw LG & Boyce PC (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Seed Plants Series 1, Volume 3, pp. 277–298. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Phoon S-N. (2012c) Olacaceae. In: Kiew R, Chung RCK, Soepadmo E, Saw LG & Boyce PC (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Seed Plants Series 1, Volume 3, pp. 299–329. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Phoon S-N. (2012d) A new variety of Strombosia ceylanica (Olacaceae) from Malaysia. Kew Bulletin 67(2), 191-203.

Phoon S-N, Karim NA, Baharudin MF (2012) The bead tree of India and its relatives in the Gardens. Gardenwise.

Phoon S-N (2012e) Elaeocarpus angustifolius. Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Online Newsletter, volume 122/26.

Piñeiro R, Micheneau C, Dauby G, Hardy OJ (2012) Isolation of nuclear microsatellite loci in the African tree Scorodophloeus zenkeri (Fabaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources Online First Articles: doi: 10.1007/s12686-012-9773-8.

Prickett R, Honorio EN, Baba Y, Baden HM, Alvarez CM, Quesada CA (2012) Floristic inventory of a one hectare of palm-dominated creek forest in Jenaro Herrera, Peru. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 69(2), 259-280

Richardson JE, Costion C, Muellner AN (2012) The Malesian floristic interchange: plant migration patterns across Wallace's Line. In Biotic Evolution and Environmental Change in Southeast Asia (ed. by D. Gower, K. Johnson, J.E. Richardson, B. Rosen, R. L. and W. S.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Schulte K (2012) Impressions from the 4th International Barcode of Life Conference in Adelaide. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 150: 49-51.

Schulte K, Naduvilezhath, L, Nierbauer KU, Silvestro D, Michalak I, Metzler D, Zizka G, Printzen C (2012) E-volution, der E-Learning Kurs zur phylogenetischen Analyse, β version. [E-volution, the e-learning course for phylogenetic analysis, β version]. Online e-learning course, Goethe University Frankfurt, M.

Settle DJ, Page T, Doran J, Bush D, Sethy M, Viji I (2012) Vanuatu Whitewood (Endospermum medulosum): Basic density and diameter, heritability and future breeding objectives. International Forestry Review 14, 463-475.

Turpin, GP (2012) Report on the results of a pilot flora survey in the Crosbie Creek area, Olkola Country, Cape York Peninsula: 2-7th July 2010.

Zizka G, Schmidt M, Cáceres D, Schulte K (2012) Das Beispiel von Ananas und Co.: Entstehung und Erhaltung von Biodiversität in den (Sub)Tropen [The example of Ananas and Co.: Origin and Conservation of Biodiversity in the (sub)tropics]. In: Beck E (ed) Die Vielfalt des Lebens. Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum? Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. ISBN: 352733212X.


Bateman BL, Abell-Davis SE, Johnson CN (2011) Effects of climate on food availability limit the abundance of the endangered Northern Bettong Bettongia tropica in marginal populations. Australian Journal of Zoology 59: 177–185.

Byrne M, Steane D, Joseph L, Yeates D, Jordan GJ, Crayn DM, Aplin K, Cantrill D, Cook LG, Crisp, MD, Keogh JS, Melville J, Moritz C, Porch N, Sniderman JMK, Sunnucks P, Weston PH (2011) Decline of a biome: evolution, contraction, fragmentation, extinction and invasion of the Australian mesic zone biota. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1635–1656.

Cáceres D, Schulte K, Zizka G (2011a) Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie, Diversität und Biogeographie der Bromelien Westpanamas. Die Bromelie 2011(2): 82–84.

Cáceres D, Schulte K, Schmidt M, Zizka G (2011b) A synopsis of the Bromeliaceae of Panama, including new records for the country. Willdenowia 41: 357–369.

Cooper WE, de Boer HJ (2011) A taxonomic revision of Trichosanthes L. (Cucurbitaceae) in Australia, including one new species from the Northern Territory. Austrobaileya 8(3): 366–367.

Costion C, Ford A, Cross H, Crayn DM, Harrington M, Lowe A (2011a) Plant DNA Barcodes can accurately estimate species richness in poorly known floras. PloS One 6: e268.

Givnish TJ, Barfuss MHJ, Van Ee B, Riina R, Schulte K, Horres R, Gonsiska PA, Jabaily RS, Crayn DM, Smith JAC, Winter K, Evans TM, Holst BK, Luther H, Brown GK, Till W, Zizka G, Berry PE, Sytsma KJ (2011a) Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Bromeliaceae: insights from an 8-locus plastid phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 98(5): 1–24.

Largent DL, Abell-Davis SE (2011) Observations on Inocephalus virescens and Alboleptonia stylophora from far north Queensland, Australia. Mycotaxon 116: 231–245.

Largent DL, Abell-Davis SE, Cummings GA, Ryan KL, Bergemann SE (2011a) Saxicolous species of Claudopus (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) from Australia. Mycotaxon 116: 253–264.

Largent DL, Bergemann SE, Cummings GA, Ryan KL, Abell-Davis SE, Moore S (2011b) Pouzarella (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) species from New South Wales (Barrington Tops National Park) and northeastern Queensland, Australia. Mycotaxon 117: 435–483.

Nakamura K, Denda T, Kokubugata G, Forster PI, Wilson G, Peng C-I, Yokota M (2012) Molecular phylogeography reveals an antitropical distribution and local diversification of Solenogyne (Asteraceae) in the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan and Australia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105: 197-217

Papadopulos AST, Baker WJ, Crayn DM, Butlin RK, Kynast RG, Hutton I, Savolainen V (2011) Speciation with gene flow on Lord Howe Island. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 108(32): 13188–13193.

Schneider JV, Schulte K, Aguilar JF, Huertas ML (2011) Molecular evidence for hybridization and introgression in the neotropical coastal desert-endemic Palaua (Malveae, Malvaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 60: 373–384.

Tamla HT, Cornelius JP, Page T (2011) Reproductive biology of three commercially valuable Santalum species: development of flowers and inflorescences, breeding systems, and interspecific crossability. Euphytica (published online 27 Sept. 2011).

Zich F, Ford AJ (2011) Wilkiea kaarruana Zich & A.J.Ford (Monimiaceae), a new species from north-east Queensland. Austrobaileya 8(3): 406-409.

Book Chapter

Poudel R, Baba Y (2011) Magnoliaceae. In Watson MF, Akiyama S, Ikeda H, Pendry CA, Rajbhandari KR, Shrestha KK (eds). Flora of Nepal. Volume 3. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.

General Publications

Hill R, Turpin G, Canendo W, Standley P, Crayn DM, Warne E, Keith K, Addicott E, Zich F (2011) Indigenous-driven tropical ethnobotany. Australian Plant Conservation 19(4): 24-25.

Phoon S-K (2011a) In the spotlight – Elaeocarpus mastersii. Flora of Peninsula Malaysia Online Newsletter 85/17: posted Aug 19 2011.

Wilson GW (2011a) Drop in for a meal: investigating Australia’s carnivorous pitcher plants. Wildlife Australia 48(3): 20–23.

Wilson GW, Venter F, Wilson RF and Crayn DM (2011) Chasing Nepenthes on Cape York, Queensland. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 40(4): 122–128.

Worboys S (2011a) Online Resources for Plant Identification. Friends of Botanic Gardens Newsletter.

Worboys S (2011b) Online Resources for Plant Identification. Society for Growing Australian Plants Newsletter Feb. 2011 issue.

Turpin G, Bannink P, Richter, D (2011) Vegetation Communities and Regional Ecosystem 1:100,000 Survey and Mapping of the Channel Country Bioregion: Betoota 1:250,000 map sheet.


Biffin E, Lucas EJ, Craven LA, da Costa IR, Harrington MG, Crisp MD (2009) Evolution of exceptional species richness among lineages of fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae. Annals of Botany (London) 106: 79-93.

Cooper WE, Ford AJ (2010) Trichosanthes odontosperma (Cucurbitaceae), a new species from Queensland’s Wet Tropics. Austrobaileya 8(2): 125-131.

Cornelius JP, Mesén F, Ohashi ST, Leão N, Silva CE, Ugarte-Guerra LJ, Wightman KE (2010) Smallholder production of agroforestry germplasm: Experiences and lessons from Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Forest Trees and Livelihoods 19(3): 201-216.

Cornelius JP, Weber JC, Sotelo-Montes C, Ugarte-Guerra LJ (2010a) Phenotypic correlations and site effects in a Peruvian landrace of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth). Euphytica 173(2): 173-183.

Harrington MG, Gadek PA (2010) Phylogenetics of hopbushes and pepperflowers (Dodonaea, Diplopeltis - Sapindaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and partial ETS sequences incorporating secondary-structure models. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 431-442.

Henry RJ, Rice N, Waters DLE, Kasem S, Ishikawa R, Hao Y, Dillon S, Crayn DM, Wing R, Vaughan D (2010) Australian Oryza: utility and conservation. Rice 3: 235-241.

Hyland BPM, Whiffin T, Zich FA, Duffy S, Gray B, Elick R, Venter S, Christophel D (2010) Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 6. Online version.

Jones LM, Gadek PA, Harrington MG (2010) Population genetic structuring in a rare tropical plant: Idiospermum australiense (Diels) S.T.Blake. Plant Systematics and Evolution 286: 133-139.

Jones BL, Waycott M, Robson HLA, Calladine A, Page T (2010) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Santalum lanceolatum and Santalum leptocladum (Santalaceae). American Journal of Botany 97(10): 299-316.

Leakey RRB, Cornelius JP (2010) Forest trees and livelihoods: guest editorial. Forest Trees and Livelihoods 19(3): 199-200.

Neldner VJ, Addicott EP, Newton M, Bannink P (2010) Vegetation Communities and Regional Ecosystem 1:100,000 Survey and Mapping of the Cape York Peninsula Bioregion: Coen 1:250,000 map sheet.

Page T, Moore GM, Will J, Halloran GM (2010) Breeding behaviour of Kunzea pomifera (Myrtaceae): self-incompatibility, intraspecific and interspecific cross-compatibility.  Sexual Plant Reproduction 23(3): 239-253.

Page T, Potrawiak A, Berry A, Tate H, Tungon J, Tabi M (2010) Production of sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum) for improved smallholder incomes in Vanuatu. Forest Trees and Livelihoods 19(3): 299-316.

Page T, Southwell I, Russell M, Tate H, Tungon J, Sam C, Dickinson G, Robson K, Leakey RRB (2010).  Geographic and phenotypic variation in heartwood and essential-oil characters in natural populations of Santalum austrocaledonicum in Vanuatu. Chemistry and Biodiversity 7(8): 1990-2006.

Phoon S-N (2010) Illiciaceae. pp. 137–143. In: R Kiew, RCK Chung, E Soepadmo, LG Saw & PC Boyce (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Series II: Seed Plant, Volume 1. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Phoon S-N (2010) Myricaceae. pp. 145–149. In: R Kiew, RCK Chung, E Soepadmo, LG Saw & PC Boyce (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Series II: Seed Plant, Volume 1. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Phoon, S-N (2010) Schisandraceae. pp. 211–217. In: R Kiew, RCK Chung, E Soepadmo, LG Saw & PC Boyce (eds) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia: Series II: Seed Plant, Volume 1. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong.

Wagstaff SJ, Dawson MI, Venter S, Munzinger J, Crayn DM, Steane DA, Lemson KL (2010) Origin, diversification and classification of the Australasian genus Dracophyllum (Richeeae, Ericaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97: 235-258.

Schulte K, Silvestro D, Kiehlmann E, Vesely S, Novoa P, Zizka G (2010) Detection of recent hybridization between sympatric Chilean Puya species (Bromeliaceae) using AFLP markers and reconstruction of complex relationships. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 1105-1119.

General Publications

Australian Tropical Herbarium and the Wet Tropics Management Authority (2010a) Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants. Rainforest Plant Identification Workshop (Advanced).  Participant’s Workbook. ATH and WTMA, Cairns, Queensland.

Australian Tropical Herbarium and the Wet Tropics Management Authority (2010b) Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants. Rainforest Plant Identification Workshop (Introductory).  Participant’s Workbook. ATH and WTMA, Cairns, Queensland.

Australian Tropical Herbarium and the Wet Tropics Management Authority. (2010c) Weeds of the Wet Tropics. Introduction to Rainforest Weed Identification.  Participant’s Workbook. ATH and WTMA, Cairns, Queensland.

Crayn DM (2010) Book Review: Australian Palms by John Leslie Dowe. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 142: 16-18.

Page T, Tate H, Bunt C, Potrawiak A, Berry A (2010) Socio-economic constraints to smallholder sandalwood in Vanuatu. Project Final Report FST/2007/057. Canberra, Australian Centre for International Research.

Page T, Tungon J, Tabi M, Kamasteia P (2010) Vanuatu Sandalwood: A growers guide for sandalwood production in Vanuatu. Canberra, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.


Buerki S, Forest F, Acevedo-Rodriguez P, Callmander M, Nylander J, Harrington M, Sanmartin I, Kupfer P, Alvarez N (2009) Plastid and nuclear DNA markers reveal intricate relationships at subfamilial and tribal levels in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51, 238-258.

Cornelius JP (2009) The utility of the predictive decapitation test as a tool for early genetic selection for Hypsipyla tolerance in big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King). Forest Ecology and Management 257, 1815-1821.

Cornelius JP (2009) Manejo y desarrollo de germoplasma para la agroforestería en los trópicos:  una orientación [Management and development of  agroforestry germplasm in the tropics: an orientation].  Pp. 517-536 in Porro, R. (Ed.) Alternativa Agroforestal na Amazônia em Transformação [Agroforestry  Alternatives for an Amazonia in Transition]. EMBRAPA, Brasilia. 835pp.

Costion C (2009) New and noteworthy plant records from Palau: an annotated checklist. Micronesica 41(1), 1-19.

Costion C, Kitalong A, Holm T (2009) Plant endemism, rarity, and threat in Palau, Micronesia: a geographical  checklist and preliminary Red List assessment. Micronesica 41(1), 131-164.

Harrington MG, Biffin E, Gadek PA (2009) Comparative study of the evolution of nuclear ribosomal spacers incorporating secondary structure analyses within Dodonaeoideae, Hippocastanoideae  and Xanthoceroideae (Sapindaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50, 364-375.

Harrington MG, Gadek P (2009) A species well travelled – the Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae) complex based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal ITS and ETSf sequences. Journal of Biogeography (online early)

Rossetto M, Crayn DM, Ford A, Mellick R, Sommerville K. (2009) The influence of environment and life-history traits on the distribution of genes and individuals: a comparative study on rainforest trees. Molecular Ecology 18 (7), 1422-1438.

Thomas MB, Turpin GP (2009) Vascular plants collected during the Cravens Peak Scientific Study, 2nd-7th April 2007. In The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland (ed.), Cravens Peak Scientific Study Report, Geography Monograph Series No.  13, pp. 301-309 (The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland, Brisbane).

Turpin GP, Thomas MB (2009) A vegetation communities and regional ecosystem survey and mapping of Cravens Peak. In The Royal Geographical  Society of Queensland (ed.), Cravens Peak Scientific Study Report, Geography Monograph Series No.  13, pp. 311-328 (The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland, Brisbane).

Venter S (2009) Synopsis of the genus Ledebouria Roth (Hyacinthaceae) in South Africa. Herbertia: Journal of the International Bulb Society 62, 85-155.