Apa Kausal

Apa Kausal

Artist: Brian Robinson (Maluyligal and Wuthathi Tribal Groups)

Region: Cape and Torres Strait

About the artwork

Apa Kausal are words spoken in the traditional Torres Strait dialect of Kala Lagaw Ya, the language of the Western Islanders. When translated into English it means Garden of flowers. Plant life, particularly flowering plants promote serenity, beauty and spiritual wellbeing. For many people, being in nature and interacting with the natural world, brings a sense of peace, tranquillity, and feelings of connectedness - with self, others and a higher power.

There has been a long tradition in viewing nature as the healer in different cultures across the globe. For the people of Torres Strait land cultivation and gardening was one of the pivotal daily activities as it provided a staple food source [apart from fish and shellfish] for each community as well as the provision of vibrantly coloured garlands [that grew wild] that adorned feasting tables and mats. Foods often cultivated were bananas, coconuts, cassava, taro and other types of yams. Apart from these, a variety of natural fruits and some wild yams were gathered in the bush, a task carried out by women and children.

The major amount of available time for individuals was spent in preparing, planting and harvesting gardens in those areas [mainly Eastern and Top Western Islands] where soil was fertile and rain sufficient to ensure growth for most of the year. The coral-sand Central Islands and high rocky Western Islands were less fertile and water was often less plentiful, but island clan groups did have some land under crops, often established on nearby uninhabited islands.

In today’s societies, these large community gardens assist users’ health through increased fresh vegetable consumption as well as providing a venue for exercise. They bring community people closer in touch with the source of their food, breaking down isolation and alienation and create a social community that includes other benefits such as sharing of food production and knowledge.