Caring for Community

Caring for Community

Artist: Chern'ee Sutton (Kalkadoon)

Region: North West

About the artwork

My name is Chern’ee Sutton and I am a contemporary Indigenous artist from the Kalkadoon people from the Mount Isa, North West Queensland area. This painting is my interpretation of “Caring for Community” which tells of the provision of healthcare in the community, for the community and by the community.

James Cook University through its GP training program is the regional provider of general practitioner training in North West Queensland delivering a high quality program to achieve better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

In my painting the large community symbol in the middle represents the Mount Isa and North West Queensland region with the smaller community symbols and travelling lines representing the many aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people that travel to hospital for medical treatment.

The footprints represent the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people returning to their homes and communities after receiving treatment and the emu and cranes feet represent Kalkadoon country.

The sections of the painting separated by the stethoscopes represent the medical treatment and care given to indigenous people of all ages from young to elderly by the doctors and students that live in the community.