Healthcare; Nurturing Our People, Our Community

Healthcare; Nurturing Our People, Our Community

Artist: Nicole Wone (Gooreng Gooreng, Wadjanburra Yidiny)

Region: Wide Bay, Bundaberg

About the artwork

This painting depicts how workers within healthcare, use their passion and skills to nurture (care for and protect) the people within their community. They are giving back to the community that they are a part of, ultimately strengthening each person and the community as a whole.

The circle in the middle symbolises healing energy like that of the sun. The healing yellow, orange and red rays radiate out onto the wider community. The hands around the circle symbolise the healthcare workers and how they access this healing energy when offering their health services to their clients.

This has a positive effect on the wider community, which is made up of many interconnected smaller communities, coloured purple to symbolise spiritual healing. The background colours of blue and green represent the lands and waters.