Ngalpun Pawa (Our Way)

Ngalpun Pawa (Our Way)

Artist: Anthony ‘Gesa’ Pilot (Saisarem)

Region: Cape and Torres Strait

About the artwork

My name is Anthony Pilot from Saisarem tribe. My traditional language is Creole Meriam Mir (Erub – LMS). I started practising art in 2007 and I specialise in lino printing on paper (triptych). The themes I base my work on is marine life, hunting, diving and fishing.

Ngalpun Pawa (our way) tells of our forefathers and foremothers and how they harvested, gathered and share all food, from the land and sea with the whole village.

It is important to sustain and maintain our way of life by continuing to grow our own food as well as our marine life. Working together to ensure our current and future generation are healthy spiritually, emotionally and physically.