One with Land

One with Land

Artist: Sharon Caulfield (Idinji)

Region: Tablelands

About the artwork

My name is Sharon Caulfield, my Indigenous name is ‘Cheekinu’. I am an Idinji Traditional Owner who descends from both the Tableland and Coastal regions of Far North Queensland. I live in Atherton on the Tablelands.

The shield is a traditional Idinji shield design. In my art piece this represents my people, the Idinji who are Traditional owners of the area of Atherton and outer townships.

hand prints are for family and community both Indigenous and non Indigenous.

Red is for blood. Blood for our Idinji ancestors who’ve passed and our present people. Blood is life. Life’s blood.

The green represents we as a traditional people are rainforest dwellers. The yellow ochre is the earth.

The white triangles represent the ‘Seven Sisters’, which are landmarks of the Atherton Tablelands area. The white ‘triangles’ are what the Idinji call “Scorpion Stings,” these are found in traditional Idinji rainforest art.