Sheila Villora (Germany)

I chose to study the Masters of Science at James Cook University because it perfectly combines both social and marine science into a significantly important field where everything is interconnected.

JCU is considered one of the world’s leading universities in Marine Science and the sole institution that offers study on Fisheries Management in the Tropics. For me, this was the main reason I travelled all the way from Germany to study here in Townsville. Throughout the years JCU and its staff members have established an international network with Marine and Fisheries organisations and other researchers which is not only unique but also incredibly important to marine conservation. Through this network I was given the opportunity to work on important projects beyond the Australian border which will help to conserve the marine environment on an international scale.

Sheila Villora on campus at JCU Townsville.

Image: Sheila Villora on campus at JCU Townsville.

The engagement and passion of my supervisors here at JCU is very inspiring. You will feel and believe that you really can make a difference in this world. I was given the opportunity to volunteer for one organization that my supervisor established, something that I am very grateful for. Having the opportunity to get hands-on experience and to connect with other peers beyond the classroom is what makes James Cook University a great place to study. Throughout my master’s degree I was able to form important connections and I am hoping to further enhance them and pursue a career in research.