Thibault (Tibo) Eddie (Madagascar)

Why did you choose to study at JCU?

I started my JCU journey at JCU’s Singapore campus where to completed a Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science. During the final year of my Bachelor’s, I had the opportunity to transfer to  JCU Townsville.

It was my dream to study in Australia, and there are so many outdoor activities here, especially in a place like Townsville. I like to go hiking and snorkelling, and explore and see different places. When I looked in JCU Townsville, it was exactly what I was looking for as it has a huge campus and its proximity to the Great Barrier Reef. Once I finished my Bachelor’s degree, I received a scholarship to continue my studies, and undertook a Master of Science , majoring in aquaculture.

What have been some of the highlights of your time at JCU?

I’ve done a lot of new and exciting things during my time in Townsville. I have been part of so many clubs and associations, such as the JCU International Student Association, JCU Beach Volleyball Club, and the JCU African Association, as well as the French Association in Townsville. I have been exposed to different events and trips all around Australia, which was a lot of fun.

A JCU event that stands out to me is the International Gala. There was a lot of diversity from all over the world, people were dressed up in their traditional outfits and it was a well organised, fun event. I also won the Community Engagement  Award which recognised my efforts in the JCU community. I was born in the Southeast of Madagascar in a small community where everyone knows each other, and it’s a really tight-knit community, so naturally, I am always drawn to being part of a community and helping out wherever I can. It’s something I always want to carry with me in my job or activities to help others and make the most of every opportunity.


Thibault Eddie (second from left) with other international students who also received awards at the International Student Gala.

What are your career aspirations?

I secured a job as a Sales Consultant in Sydney for a company called Fresh By Design, which sells aquaculture equipment aquaculture and water treatments. They also provide consultancy work to design aquaculture farms and provide advice on how to make the farms more efficient. I love travelling around Australia, so it’s going to be a new adventure for me.

What is your advice for prospective international students?

Don’t be afraid to open up to the world because there are so many opportunities out there when you study at JCU. Join clubs, join associations, and just get involved in different activities.

For me, for example, being from Madagascar, we have a very different culture, we don’t speak English and that was hard in the beginning to talk to different people. It’s going to be uncomfortable at the beginning, and you might feel anxious or stressed about what people might think of you, but if you want to excel you need to open up to different people. It will build up your skill set and if it doesn’t work out, at least you took the risk and it will be an experience for you.

Also, try to take advantage of living in Australia, and travel to wonderful places like Magnetic Island and the Great Barrier Reef. There’s so much to do in North Queensland!