Scholarships Search Rockfield's Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship

Rockfield's Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship

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This annual scholarship is a legacy to Rockfield’s Founder, Dr  Jeff Loughran and his family, with the aim to support the academic development and achievement of undergraduate engineers at James Cook University.

Rockfield is a specialist high technology engineering consultancy company with core skills in advanced computational modelling, IoT/sensor technologies, data analytics and engineering design solutions. Established in 2000, Rockfield assists clients from across the industrial sectors to better understand and manage the risk profile of critical assets in terms of capacity utilisation, structural integrity, remnant life and Standard’s compliance.

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of the James Cook University Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy

Student Type Undergraduate
Area of Study Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical or Electronic Systems and Internet of Things)
Total Value $2,500 per year (max 5 years) + paid work experience
Duration Up to a maximum of 5 years
Applications Open31 May 2024
Applications Close7 August 2024

The Rockfield’s Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship is open for you to apply if you:

  • Are an undergraduate student at JCU enrolled full time in a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical or Electronic Systems and Internet of Things) ; and
  • Have completed a minimum of 24 credit points in a Bachelor of Engineering; and
  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of 5.5 or above at the time of application.
  • Agree to undertake 12 weeks of paid placement with Rockfield for each year they hold the Scholarship, or as agreed with Rockfield otherwise.

The value of the scholarship shall be $2,500 per year up to a maximum of 5 years + paid work experience. Payments will be made in 1 instalment after census date of SP1 each year.

Last payment shall be paid in your final year upon completion of work experience with Rockfield.

Mentoring and Work experience valued up to $15,000
* Paid vacation work experience at one of Rockfield’s Offices
* The chance to participate in mentoring through each year of studies
* Final year thesis sponsorship and focused mentoring
* Increased consideration for a Graduate Position

Applications must be submitted on the official application form no later than the date set by the Selection Committee for the year in which the award is to be made. Applicants must submit with the official form, where appropriate:

  • A copy of your academic record (weighted at 30%); and
  • A written statement explaining: 
    1. Why you have chosen this degree and major (100 words) (weighted at 10%);
    2. How this scholarship and work experience will impact your studies and career aspirations (100 words) (weighted at 10%);
    3. Briefly discuss a new disruptive technology in the engineering sector that you think will have an impact on Rockfield and why (150 words) (weighted at 15%);
    4. Should you be awarded Rockfield’s Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship, how will you help Rockfield make an impact in the industries we work in and communities we serve. Why you? (150 words) (weighted at 15%);
    5. Any other scholarships or grants that you hold, from who and their value.
  • A copy of your Resume.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.
The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquires as to the applicant's good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorization for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant's academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Your application is checked for completeness and eligibility, and you will receive an email confirmation it has been received. After the closing date it will be individually assessed and put forward to a selection committee who will rank your application against others who have applied. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the selection process.


This annual scholarship is a legacy to Rockfield’s Founder, Dr Jeff Loughran and his family, with the aim to support the academic development and achievement of undergraduate engineers at James Cook University.

Rockfield is a specialist high technology engineering consultancy company with core skills in advanced computational modelling, IoT/sensor technologies, data analytics and engineering design solutions. Established in 2000, Rockfield assists clients from across the industrial sectors to better understand and manage the risk profile of critical assets in terms of capacity utilisation, structural integrity, remnant life and Standard’s compliance.

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of James Cook University’s Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy.

Value and payment of the scholarship

The value of the scholarship shall be $2,500 per year up to a maximum of 5 years + paid work experience. Payments will be made in 1 instalment after census date of SP1 each year.

Mentoring and Work experience valued up to $15,000
* Paid vacation work experience at one of Rockfield’s Offices
* The chance to participate in mentoring through each year of studies
* Final year thesis sponsorship and focused mentoring
* Increased consideration for a Graduate Position

Eligibility Criteria

The Rockfield’s Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship shall be open to competition among candidates who:

  • Are an undergraduate student at JCU enrolled full time in a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical or Electronic Systems and Internet of Things) ; and
  • Have completed a minimum of 24 credit points in a Bachelor of Engineering; and
  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of 5.5 or above at the time of application.
  • Agree to undertake 12 weeks of paid placement with Rockfield for each year they hold the Scholarship, or as agreed with Rockfield otherwise.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria are:

  • Academic merit or potential;
  • The content of the written statement; and
  • Any other criteria that the Selection Committee deems appropriate, including whether the candidate has, or will receive any other scholarship assistance during their studies

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted on the official application form no later than the date set by the Selection Committee for the year in which the award is to be made.

Applicants must submit with the official form, where appropriate:

  • A copy of your academic record (weighted at 30%); and
  • A written statement explaining: 
    1. Why you have chosen this degree and major (100 words) (weighted at 10%);
    2. How this scholarship and work experience will impact your studies and career aspirations (100 words) (weighted at 10%);
    3. Briefly discuss a new disruptive technology in the engineering sector that you think will have an impact on Rockfield and why (150 words) (weighted at 15%);
    4. Should you be awarded Rockfield’s Dr Jeff Loughran Scholarship, how will you help Rockfield make an impact in the industries we work in and communities we serve. Why you? (150 words) (weighted at 15%);
    5. Any other scholarships or grants that you hold, from who and their value.
  • A copy of your Resume.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Selection Process

The award of the scholarship will be made in the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee, which shall comprise:

  • Head of Engineering or nominee(Chair); and
  • Rockfield representative/s.

The Selection Committee reserves the right:

  • Not to award a Scholarship in any year if, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, there is no candidate of sufficient merit to warrant an award;
  • To award a Scholarship for a period of one or more years; and
  • To extend a Scholarship for the existing recipient.

The Selection committee will be responsible for shortlisting and/or interviewing of candidates.

The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the selection of the Scholarship awardee.

Ongoing eligibility

  • The recipient must maintain a course GPA of 5.5 or above.
  • The recipient must be enrolled full time.
  • The recipient must have undertaken work experience with Rockfield, or have organised dates to commence work experience activity.
  • Where the recipient fails to meet this requirement evidence of special circumstances contributing to the reduced GPA must be provided to the Selection Committee for consideration of ongoing eligibility.
  • The recipient of the scholarship shall continue to receive the award on condition that in the opinion of the Selection Committee, and on advice from the head of the school in which the recipient is undertaking a course of study, that the recipient maintains a satisfactory level of performance. Where it is determined that the level of academic performance is unsatisfactory the Selection Committee may in its absolute discretion cancel the award or suspend the award for such time as it may determine and/or until academic performance is considered satisfactory. Where an award is cancelled pursuant to the provisions to this clause it may, for the remainder of the term for which the original holder would have been entitled to it, be awarded to another suitable candidate.

Conditions of the Scholarship

  • At the end of the academic year, a written report must be submitted to the scholarships office, the template will be sent to you.
  • The recipient must undertake 12 weeks of paid placement with Rockfield Engineering for each year they hold the Scholarship, or as agreed with Rockfield Engineering otherwise. Time and dates TBC with student and Rockfield Engineering.
  • Should the awarded student defer their studies, fail to participate in paid work placement with Rockfield Engineering or fail to maintain their minimum 5.5 GPA, JCU in consultation with Rockfield Engineering, may terminate the student scholarship. In this event the parties will decide at the time what action to take regarding continuation of agreement.
  • A student may lodge a request for review of decision in accordance with the provisions of the Student Appeals Policy.

Administration of the Scholarship

The scholarship shall be administered by the scholarships office, on behalf of the Selection Committee.

The funds of the scholarship shall be held in an account in the name of the University and shall be administered by the officer of the University charged with administering the scholarship.

Where there is a fund maintaining the award, the annual value of the award shall be approximately equal to the annual income from the fund.

Income from a fund not expended on the award which it maintains, shall be added to and become part of the fund.

Where an award provides some benefit to the recipient from a body external to the University, or an obligation upon a body external to the University, the University, its servants and agents, shall not be liable for that benefit or obligation

Please refer to Glossary of Terms.