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Welcome to the JCU Brisbane Webinar Series. Here, you can find informative webinars on the university application process, course content, career pathways and more.

Our series also features entertaining and educational webinars from JCU academics and alumni covering a treasure trove of topics, from living alongside artificial intelligence to preparing your home for cyclone season.

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JCU Brisbane Webinars

Globalisation, technology and the current pandemic have disrupted the way learning happens at university.

Leaners are no longer ‘passenger’; increasingly, the onus is on the learner to be in the ‘driver’s seat’ of their learning.

In this webinar, Organisational Development Professional and JCU Brisbane Lecturer Rob Godby shares some insights and strategies to help you become the driver and get the best return on the time and money that you have invested in your studies and professional development.

The webinar will challenge your current mindset about online learning and teach you some practical tips for getting the most out of virtual education.

Key takeaways

Effective Get in the driver’s seat and take control of these spaces.

1. Physical Space

An increase in people studying and working remotely has seen people sitting stationary for longer, contributing to a rise in cortisol. This means muscles are becoming tenser, and it is resulting in more back problems.

Think about the three Ps.


  • Are your wrists resting on a surface?
  • Is your back supported?
  • Are your feet flat on the ground?


  • Are your eyes 3 inches below the top of your screen?
  • Is your laptop screen tilted back to 120 degrees?
  • Is your screen within arm’s length?

Positional Changes

  • Are you doing shoulder circles intermittently?
  • Are you stretching your neck regularly?
  • Are you standing up and doing some squats?
  • Are you taking deep breaths?

2. Digital Space (the virtual environment in which you learn)

One of the main differences between communicating online and in real life is the strain on your cognitive load when communicating via a screen. When you’re physically in the same room, you use facial expressions to aid in communication. You can hear more clearly, and it is easier to sense what people are trying to say. You are more aware of what’s going on because you are immersed in that environment. However, picking up on those signals when communicating online takes a lot more effort and concentration.

To help communicate better:

  • Use the best internet available
  • Use a laptop or a desktop
  • Use a webcam/camera
  • Use headphones and a microphone
  • Use the digital functions & tools such as breakout rooms, raised hands, chat.

3. Head Space (how you feel and how you think about what’s happening with your learning experience)

Having the right headspace for online learning is probably the most important one. A lot of research has emerged over the last year to indicate that online learning and working has led to mental health issues for many people. We need to take control and implement small measures to help look after our headspace when engaging online.

Follow these measures to help create a better headspace:

  • Create a routine before starting online. A short burst of exercise, making a cup of tea, tidying the desk, or listening to your favourite music.
  • Talk to yourself using positive phrases and choose your mindset
  • Reduce the number of outside distractions – background noise, pets as much as you can.
  • Seek out and use apps to help you learn online
  • Use gamified learning to make it fun

Join Brett Vance as he presents a webinar on academic writing and referencing. During this webinar Brett identifies the major skills underpinning academic writing and introduces the APA 7 standard, citation and referencing.

Join JCU Brisbane Lecturer Eszter Kiss as she presents a webinar on mindful leadership. This webinar features powerful leadership lessons from influential leaders and outstanding historical figures. After watching the webinar and completing the corresponding workbook, you'll walk away with a practical toolkit to boost your leadership capacities.

Join Joblinx for this how-to webinar on maximising your success in the accounting industry. During this webinar, Juliana is joined by an accounting professional who discusses the future of accounting and what the current accounting labour market looks like.

Join Juliana from Joblinx as she gives you tips and tricks to optimise your employability during this webinar.

Learn about what Joblinx can do for you! During this webinar Juliana discusses the programs and professional services offered to students studying at JCU Brisbane, Sarina Russo Institute and Russo Business School.

Join JCU Lecturer Vizak Gagrat as he helps you to successfully plan your studies and stop procrastinating. During this webinar Vizak expands on his popular article ‘5 tips to meet your Assessment Deadlines during the COVID-19 – Study from home period’.

Join JCU's Brett Vance for this webinar on academic writing, paraphrasing and referencing. During this webinar Brett discusses how to utilise your research and practice important academic skills.