Career Ready Plan Identify employer expectations

Identify employer expectations


Identify expectations for the skills, knowledge, and experience required of graduates in your field. Work systematically towards filling any gaps in your skills, knowledge, and experience that you identify in your job search. Further expand your strengths so that you are competitive when it’s time to apply.


  • Seek advice from employers on what they are looking for in a graduate and how to maximise your time at university.
  • Scan the job vacancy sites e.g., Seek, to identify positions relevant to your degree and then investigate the tasks, skills and experience required for these positions.
  • Scan the careers section within employer websites, and the graduate recruitment sites, Prosple, GradConnection, Queensland Government Graduate Portal, and Australian Government Graduate Programs to identify further jobs opportunities and employer expectations.
  • Complete professional development in addition to your degree studies to gain extra skills and knowledge and address any gaps you've identified through your job search. Employers will be impressed with your commitment to ongoing professional development.
  • Go to LinkedIn Learning via the JCU Library website for free access to over 5000 online professional development courses.
  • Undertake free online courses (MOOCs) to fill any skills or knowledge gaps. Courses are developed by universities around the world and delivered on major MOOC platforms such as CourseraedX , Futurelearn and Udacity.
  • Attend professional development that may be offered through your JCU course or career relevant professional association (e.g., Australian Association of Social Workers AASW) or professional body.
  • Keep a record of your professional development and add it to your resume and LinkedIn profile.