EDQS Education Strategy Special Consideration

Special consideration

This page provides information on how students can apply for special consideration due to short-term and/or unforeseen circumstances that impact their ability to engage in learning activities or complete assessments, including examinations.

Whilst studying at JCU students should manage their studies according to their course requirements. However, sometimes unexpected events or experiences can make it difficult to keep up with academic work. JCU aims to give everyone an equal chance to succeed in their studies. When unforeseen events or experiences create challenges, the University will try to provide support to help students manage their studies. If such events affect a student's ability to keep up with their studies, it is important for the student to seek help in planning their progress.

What is Special Consideration?

Special Consideration acknowledges short-term and/or unforeseen circumstances (known as Special Circumstances) that significantly impact a student's ability to engage with learning activities and/or complete assessment items (including examinations). It is not intended for managing long-term illnesses, disabilities, or other ongoing situations.  Support for long-term conditions is available through AccessAbility.

Examples of Special Circumstances include:

  • Compassionate or emergency events (e.g., death of close family members, unexpected financial hardship, trauma, family breakdown, or experiences of crime).
  • Official religious or special cultural observance.
  • Jury service or court appearances.
  • SES callouts

The following situations are not considered Special Circumstances:

  • Booking flights for personal travel or holiday plans that prevent attending classes or meeting deadlines.
  • Failing to refer to the Academic Calendars for important dates such as examinations including supplementary/deferred examination periods.
  • Inability to obtain time off from regular paid employment to participate in or complete learning activities or assessments.
  • Misreading or failing to ask for clarification of the examination timetable.
  • Social and leisure events, including weddings and sporting commitments not considered as elite athlete obligations.
  • Stress and anxiety typically associated with studying.
  • Adjusting to university life or feeling homesick.

Special Consideration Infographic

Application Types and submission deadlines

You can only submit one application per assessment for each special consideration category. If you have special circumstances affecting multiple assessments or subjects, you will need to submit a separate application for each one. Refer to the application type drop down menus below.

Typically, assignments, essays, and written submissions.

Before applying, check the tables below to understand what type of Special Consideration might apply to your situation.

Application type


Timeframe to submit a Special Consideration Application

Short Term Extension request (48 Hours)* as you are unable to submit your assessment by its due date – e.g. an assignment or essay

An assignment is due on the 20th of the month but due to special circumstances you need just one or two more days to complete it

Before the assessment is due

*NOTE: Short Term extensions can only be used ONCE per eligible assessment item and supporting documentation is not required.  
Assessment activities that are scheduled to occur at a specific time/date are not eligible for short term extension e.g. online quizzes, oral/viva exams, tests, in person presentations, OSCE.

Long Term Extension request (excess of 48 hours) as you are unable to submit your assessment by its due date – eg an assignment or essay

An assignment is due on the 20th of the month, but you are unable to meet this due to special circumstances, so you need to request an extension until the 25th

Before the assessment is due

Special Circumstances affecting on-course performance - This option is only available to you if undertaking specific subjects in MBBS, MBBS (Hons) [Embedded], and BDS programs.

If you have submitted your assessment but your performance was significantly affected by special circumstances, you may be eligible to request special consideration.

Please refer to the Student Special Circumstances Policy for more details.

An assessment was due on the 20th of the month however you fell ill one week before the due date. You were still able to submit the assessment but feel your academic performance was impacted.

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled due date of the assessment piece

These include but are not limited to online quizzes, oral/viva exams, tests, in person presentations, OSCE.  This application type does not apply to missed Placements, see below.

Before applying, check the tables below to understand what type of Special Consideration might apply to your situation.

Application type


Timeframe to submit a Special Consideration Application

Reschedule request as you will miss or have been unable to attend/sit an On Course assessment or On Course exam at the specified time.  This includes requesting a deferred exam for Block Mode Subjects.

There is an exam or practical to be held in class or online in week 6. You cannot attend due to special circumstances and therefore need to apply to reschedule the exam or practical to another day and/or time.

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled date of the activity

Notification of missing attendance as you will miss or have been unable to attend a compulsory class or some other mandatory attendance (including practicals) at the specified time.  This does not include  Missed Attendance at Placements – see below

It is a subject requirement that you must attend a laboratory or tutorial each week however, you cannot make one of the classes due to special circumstances.

No later than 3 University working days after the scheduled date of the activity

Special Circumstances affecting on-course performance - This option is only available to you if undertaking specific subjects in MBBS, MBBS (Hons) [Embedded], and BDS programs.

If you have completed your on-course assessment or practical, but your performance was significantly affected by special circumstances, you may be eligible to request special consideration.

Please refer to the Student Special Circumstances Policy for more details.

An OSCE is scheduled for the 20th of the month however you fell ill one week before the due date. You were still able to participate in the assessment but feel your academic performance was impacted.

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled date of the activity

Application TypeExamples

Timeframe to submit a Special Consideration Application

Request a deferred exam as you will miss an end of study period exam.

Note: To request a deferred exam for a Block Mode Subject you will need to use the Reschedule request application type.

The formal exam has been timetabled for the Friday of the formal exam week. You cannot attend on the day due to special circumstances. You will need to request a deferral of the exam until the supplementary/deferred exam period.

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled date of the End of Study Period Examination

Missed or unable to sit a Supplementary or Deferred Exam*

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled date of the Supplementary or Deferred Examination

No later than 2 University working days after the scheduled date of the Supplementary or Deferred Examination

*NOTE: Further applications of this type are not available.  Students may consider if they are eligible to apply for Withdrawal without Academic and Financial Penalty, or Review of Final Subject Result.

Special Circumstances affecting exam performance – This option is only available to you if undertaking specific subjects in MBBS, MBBS (Hons) [Embedded], and BDS programs.

If you have completed your formal examination but your performance was significantly affected by special circumstances, you may be eligible to request special consideration.

Please refer to the Student Special Circumstances Policy for more details.

The formal exam for MD1010 has been timetabled for the Friday of the formal exam week. You become ill on Thursday, however, you recover enough to attend the exam on Friday but feel your academic performance was impacted due to the special circumstances that occurred.

No later than 2 University working days after the date of formal Examination

Application type


Timeframe to submit a Special Consideration Application

Missed placement attendance - you have a scheduled placement and have been unable to attend all or some of the day/s due to special circumstances.

You wake up sick on the morning of a rostered placement day and are unable to attend

Note: There is also a requirement to notify your placement site of your non-attendance.

No later than 3 University working days after the date of the missed attendance

Request to reschedule Placement block – prior to your placement commencing special circumstances occur that will prevent you from being able to attend

Due to the death of a family  member you are no longer able to attend your scheduled placement block and need to reschedule

As soon as possible before placement commences

'Fit to Sit' means students should proactively  self-assess  their capability to complete their assessment or examination, when they are experiencing an unexpected life event or illness. This consideration must be made PRIOR to the scheduled assessment or examination time.  By attending or commencing, students are declaring that they are fit and able to undertake the assessment or examination.

For Example: If you are feeling unwell before an examination or before attending a scheduled assessment, please prioritize your health and well-being.

If a student believes they are not fit to sit and have eligible special circumstances, they should;

  • Not attend the examination or assessment.
  • Seek appropriate medical advice and submit the relevant Special Consideration application within 2 University working days of the examination, including a medical certificate to support your application.

Circumstances that may be eligible for special consideration include;

  • Medical and/or psychological events.
  • Compassionate or emergency events (e.g., death of close family members, unexpected financial hardship, trauma, family breakdown, or experiences of crime).


Only students in specific subjects within the MBBS, MBBS (Hons) [Embedded] ie. MDXXXX, and BDS programs ie. DSXXXX (refer to Appendix 2: Listed Subjects for Notification of Special Circumstances), are eligible to apply for Special Consideration if they complete their on-course assessment, exam, or practical but believe that their performance was significantly affected by special circumstances.

Students who are not enrolled in these specific subjects cannot request Special Consideration if they attend the exam or submit an assessment, even if they believe their performance was impacted by special circumstances.  They may however be eligible to apply for Withdrawal without Financial and Academic Penalty or for Review of Final Subject Result if they meet those criteria.

  1. Submit the relevant Special Consideration for On-Course Assessment or Examinations, or Special Consideration for Placements form via the blue buttons below.
  2. Include supporting documentation that is independent and clearly describes how the circumstances have affected your ability to submit or attend an assessment or examination. (except if applying for a short-term extension).
  3. It's important to submit your application within the specified timeframes (see the tables in above sub sections).