EDQS Development & Recognition

Professional Development & Recognition

The Education Design, Quality and Standards Directorate delivers high-quality professional learning and expert guidance that inspires excellence and innovation in learning, teaching and assessment.

We strive to:

  • Provide learning opportunities and develop skills among educators and teaching support staff
  • Incentivise and celebrate excellence in learning and teaching and student support
  • Provide connections to communities of practice (CoP)
  • Encourage and support scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)

Please download a copy of the Professional Learning Series Calendar for February - June 2025.

Events include programs, inductions, workshops, ceremonies, celebrations, seminars and webinars that provide learning opportunities that support your teaching and learning practice.

Please download a copy of the Professional Learning Series Calendar for February - June 2025.

→ List of upcoming PD events

The Ed & Tech Zone is a library of recorded webinars and resources that assist with technology-enhanced learning, teaching, and assessment. Available to JCU staff only.

→ Ed & Tech Zone

The Education Design, Quality and Standards Directorate have developed three self-directed Short Learning Programmes for new academic staff to complete.

→ Short Learning Programmes

JCU's sessional teaching staff make a significant contribution to the learning experience of our students. Sessional staff are valued as key members of the teaching team and the The Centre for Education and Enhancement (CEE), along with each College, offers teaching and academic services and support.

All sessional staff are invited to CEE's series of professional development workshops and events.  JCU recognises the valuable contribution of sessional staff, and rewards excellence in sessional teaching through the annual Sessional Teaching Awards.

When starting as a new staff member you may be made aware of your occupational health and safety obligations, as well as your workplace rights and responsibilities. Also see HR Online training and user guides, and HR staff development workshops and training.

Other useful links:

LinkedIn Learning with Lynda.com (login) is an online learning platform that provides staff with free course-based video instruction on a wide range of topics, including business, software, technology and creative skills.

For more information visit Communities of Practice

Join us at the James Cook University Learning and Teaching Conference, Celebrating Transformative Education across our campuses from 21-25 October 2024.  Keep an eye out for Info_BYTES with further information.

As educators, you may have the following questions:

  • How can I engage my students?
  • How can I motivate them to do read?
  • How can I get them to prepare for class?

These notions of 'what we could do', usually follow with hypothesise, experiments, review of the results of our experiments and - hopefully - a sharing of the fruits of our inquiry with others.

This is more or less what the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is. It is the systematic inquiry into student learning with a systematic scholarly approach to contribute knowledge to SoTL literature, a growing research discipline.

→ Learn more about SoTL and join the community

There are a range of teaching awards and citations offered to recognise and celebrate your excellence in learning and teaching and student support.

→ Grants and Awards