CMT Videos


Paul Giacomin at TEDx

Dr Paul Giacomin of BMDT's September 2016 presentation on hookworms at TEDx Cairns.

Watch the clip here

The Biodiscovery Program

A video introduction to the Biodiscovery program at the Centre for Biodiscovery & Molecular Development of Therapeutics.

Watch the clip here

The Molecular Immunology Program

A video introduction to the Clinical Translation program at the Centre for Biodiscovery & Molecular Development of Therapeutics.

Watch the clip here

The Clinical Translation Program

A video introduction to the Clinical Translation program at the Centre for Biodiscovery & Molecular Development of Therapeutics.

Watch the clip here

International Famelab 2015

Sandip Kamath, CBMDT

A clip of Sandip's presentation in June 2015

Watch the clips here

CBMDT in collaboration with Johnson and Johnson

Alex Loukas, CBMDT Co-Director

Centre For Biodiscovery & Molecular Development of Therapeutics Professor Alex Loukas, Dr Severine Navarro and their team are collaborating with Janssen to develop a treatment for inflammatory bowel disease based on proteins secreted by hookworms.

Watch the video
Visit the Johnson and Johnson Innovation website

"Publishing your work in Nature journals"

Myles Axton, Chief Editor of Nature Genetics

Delivered on the 24th November 2014, as part of the AITHM Seminar Series.

Download a PDF version of the Powerpoint presentation

Download the AITHM flyer

"Smarter every day"

Associate Professor Jamie Seymour, CBMDT

A series of short video clips published on the popular YouTube channel.

Watch the clips here