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NQLA Conference 2023

Fri, 26 May 2023
Categories: Events.

JCU College of Business Law and Governance were proud sponsors of this year’s NQLA Conference.

The tropical city of Cairns played host to the prestigious North Queensland Law Association (NQLA) Conference from the 18th to the 20th of May this year. Nestled in the luxurious Crystalbrook Riley Hotel, the event marked a significant gathering of legal practitioners from the region.

CBLG Stand.

The tropical city of Cairns played host to the prestigious North Queensland Law Association (NQLA) Conference from the 18th to the 20th of May this year. Nestled in the luxurious Crystalbrook Riley Hotel, the event marked a significant gathering of legal practitioners from the region.

The NQLA Conference is a highly anticipated event within the legal community of North Queensland. It is organised annually and rotates between Mackay, Townsville, and Cairns, providing an opportunity for legal professionals to come together and exchange insights, knowledge, and experiences. The 2023 conference was held in Cairns, offering attendees not only a platform for professional development but also a chance to bask in the natural beauty of the region.

Throughout the three-day event, attendees were treated to a diverse range of presentations and discussions on pertinent legal topics. These sessions were conducted by renowned experts in various fields of law, providing attendees with valuable insights into the latest developments and best practices. The conference program aimed to foster professional growth, ensuring that attendees left with a deeper understanding of the legal landscape.

CBLG Stand.

However, the NQLA Conference is not just about work; it also promotes networking and camaraderie among legal practitioners. Attendees had ample opportunities to connect with their peers, fostering valuable relationships that can prove beneficial in their legal careers. These interactions are an integral part of the conference, allowing attendees to exchange ideas, experiences, and collaborate on future endeavours.

CBLG staff at a marine park.

The social events organised as part of the conference added an extra layer of enjoyment. From cocktail receptions to gala dinners, attendees had the chance to unwind and socialise in a relaxed atmosphere. These moments of respite allowed legal professionals to recharge and return to their practice with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

CBLG Staff.

We were proud to sponsor the NQLA Conference, recognising its significance in promoting legal excellence and fostering a sense of community among practitioners in North Queensland. Our commitment to supporting such events stems from our belief in the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in the legal profession. We look forward to future editions of this esteemed event, one thing is clear: the NQLA Conference will continue to be a cornerstone of professional growth and camaraderie for years to come.

Read more about the event HERE: