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Reliability and validity of salivary cortisol levels of healthy adults measured using a point of collection analysis method (POCSS)

We are recruiting participants for a study investigating the validity and reliability of a point of collection method to measure salivary cortisol levels in adults.  In this study researchers will be comparing two different methods of measuring cortisol levels in saliva collected from study participants. You may be suitable for this research if you are:

  • An adult male or female (over the age of 18)
  • Are available to travel to JCU Townsville campus on one occasion only
  • Willing and able to commit to study testing
  • Completing a short screening process (20 minutes)
  • Providing a sample of saliva, collected by placing three absorbent swabs under your tongue (10 minutes).

Visit here for further details.

College News

Vietnamese students visit JCU Nursing Cairns - 28 Jun 2024
Year 9-11 students from Vietnam visited Cairns campus to experience what it's like to be a JCU Nursing student, take on a temperature testing activity, as well as a walk-through tour of JCU's Nursing simulation facilities. #JCUNursingMidwifery

How Social Media Addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder Impact Sleep Quality - 20 Jun 2024
In a recent study, JCUS Psychology researchers investigated how Social Media Addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder can impact sleep quality. #JCUPsychology

Thanksgiving Service - 13 Jun 2024
JCU Nursing and Midwifery academic staff and students attended the annual Townsville General Hospital Past Graduates Association Thanksgiving Service on Saturday 18th May. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Multiple Sclerosis Super Splash 2024 - 11 Jun 2024
Several of our physiotherapy students provided much needed massage services to those undertaking the MS Super Splash, a great fundraising day supporting people living with MS. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Studying OT on the go - 8 Jun 2024
JCU Master of Rehabilitation Alumni Kestin Roberts reflects on how online study empowered her to upskill while working full-time as an Occupational Therapist. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

Animal empathy differs among men - 7 Jun 2024
JCU Psychology Sen Lecturer Dr Jessica Oliva investigated men’s empathy towards animals and found higher levels in men who own pets versus farmers and non-pet owners. #JCUPsychology

Speech research presentation at SAC conference in Vancouver - 6 Jun 2024
Dr Jacqui Lim, Senior Lecturer Speech Pathology, recently presented her research poster 'Clinical experiences and perceptions of speech-language pathologists in assessing and managing clients with FASD' at Speech-Language and Audiology Canada conference. #JCUSpeechPathology

More News ⬇️

Battle of the Island Games 2024 - 31 May 2024
Student volunteers ran our student led physiotherapy clinic during the busy games on Thursday Island earlier this month, assisting players with pre-game strapping/massage as well as tending to injuries during and after games. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Listening to Music to Cope with Stress - 28 May 2024
4ZZZ interviewed JCU Psychology's Dr Amanda Krause, who conducted a recent study on listening to music to cope with everyday stressors.  #JCUPsychology

What's driving our extreme fear of sharks and crocodiles? - 24 May 2024
JCU Psychology Lecturer Christopher Reid reveals why humans fear crocodiles and sharks above more deadly creatures. #JCUPsychology

NQ veteran amputee athlete and SES coach to take on the world - 17 May 2024
Veteran amputee athlete Ainsley Hooker and JCU Sports Science lecturer Brian Heilbronn are gearing up for the Warrior Games in the US after being selected to represent Australia. #JCUSportExerciseScience

The psychology of music for our health and wellbeing - 17 May 2024
In this podcast, Dr Amanda Krause unpacks the psychology of music for our health and wellbeing. #JCUPsychology

How do you approach explaining traumatic events to children? - 16 May 2024
Psychology Lecturer, Kelly Horne, provides advice on how to approach explaining traumatic events to children. #JCUPsychology

Paramedics unable to work due to mental illness - 15 May 2024
JCU Psychology A/Prof Wendy Li says many people who suffer from PTSD experience intense thoughts and intrusive feelings, which impact many parts of their life. #JCUPsychology

Recognising the true value of nursing - 13 May 2024
Nursing is celebrated for its role in the care and wellbeing of patients, but the profession’s value to society extends well beyond a clean bill of health. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Exercise Physiology Senior Lecturer awarded at ESSA - 11 May 2024
Congratulations to Dr Michael Inskip, Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology on winning the Early Career Researcher Award at the ESSA National conference last week. #JCUSportExerciseScience

A journey of connecting minds - 4 May 2024
Navigating the often complex and challenging world of the human mind is a lifelong passion for Wendy Li.  #JCUPsychology

OT degree opens doors for worldwide opportunities - 22 Apr 2024
JCU Bachelor of Occupational Therapy graduate Ryan Wynch has worked across Australia and the world. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

Dungeons and Dragons may improve mental health - 13 Apr 2024
Researchers have found that people who play the game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) show improvements in their mental health. #JCUPsychology

Rudeness endangers patients - 9 Apr 2024
James Cook University researchers say rudeness and discourtesy between health workers is endangering patients. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Spotlight on Psychology Lecturer, Christopher Reid - 8 Apr 2024
JCU Psychology Lecturer, Academic Advisor, and First-Year Coordinator Christopher Reid’s journey to where he is today was inevitable, but not traditional. #JCUPsychology

COACT Project funding to support culturally diverse youth - 2 Apr 2024
Dr Hyacinth Udah and Associate Professor Wendy Li have been awarded $115,902 for 'The COACT Project: A Buddy Program of Community Outreach, Adaptation, Connection and Together for CALD Youth'. #JCUPsychology

$4m study to transform falls prevention - 28 Mar 2024
Elderly Australians could have their risk of a potentially fatal fall reduced by up to 40 percent if a $4 million James Cook University-led study proves successful. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

Speech Pathology student's $30k scholarship windfall - 25 Mar 2024
A JCU Speech Pathology student who hails from Emerald is thrilled to have received the QCoal Foundation scholarship, which provides $30,000 over three years to ease the financial pressures associated with her studies. #JCUSpeechPathology

Physiotherapy in Cambodia - 22 Mar 2024
JCU Physiotherapy students recently completed placement in Cambodia, sharing knowledge and skills and building connections with our Indo-Pacific neighbours as part of their New Colombo Plan Mobility Program in Siem Reap, Cambodia. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Brains and gains - 15 Mar 2024
JCU Sport and Exercise Science students studying strength and conditioning learn the fundamentals of Olympic weightlifting from Bryce Knight, one of Australia's top weightlifting coaches and a JCU alumnus. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Taking speech therapy from city to the outback -  15 Mar 2024
A JCU Speech Pathology graduate has found that speech pathology is an important and enjoyable profession with therapists able to work with both children and adults to help improve communication. #JCUSpeechPathology

JCU's inaugural NeuroSTEM day - 14 Mar 2024
Students from 12 high schools across Townsville and Ingham converged on James Cook University recently for a first-of-its kind NeuroSTEM day. #JCUPsychology

The proactive approach to lifelong learning -  7 Mar 2024
Get to know an alumna of JCU Singapore, who graduated with a Master of Psychological Science (Majoring in Business Psychology), as she emphasizes the significance of proactive learning. #JCUPsychology

JCU Mackay celebrates healthcare milestones - 7 Mar 2024
JCU's Ngudya Yamba (Mackay) campus has three good reasons to celebrate this year with significant milestones reached in training future doctors, nurses and pharmacists for the local region. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Exchanging knowledge across the world - 1 Mar 2024
Congratulations to JCU Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology student voted by Western Connecticut State University students as best-on-day presentation in the inaugural JCU-WCSU Inter-university Student Research Exchange (ISRE). #JCUSportExerciseScience

Innovative psychology education - 28 Feb 2024
JCU Singapore Psychology Lecturer shares about using Taylor Swift lyrics in clinical psychology training. #JCUPsychology

The future of physio - 22 Feb 2024
A JCU PhD candidate is examining if children with cerebral palsy could be diagnosed via telehealth if there is no paediatric physiotherapist available locally. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Fanaticism aside, what explains the appeal of live music events? - 5 Feb 2024
Research into audience experience and satisfaction shows that, while the emotional response to music is important for concert-goers, it’s the social aspects that greatly enhance overall enjoyment. #JCUPsychology

Pandemic music struck a darker chord - 19 Jan 2024
A new study examining the music people listened to during the pandemic has revealed a taste for more downbeat and darker music – in direct contrast to music recommended to raise the spirits. #JCUPsychology

Mental health impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on mothers - 18 Jan 2024
JCU Psychology researchers together with clinicians/researchers from the US and Italy have investigated the impact of climate change on mothers. #JCUPsychology

Exploring the link between brain and behaviour - 10 Jan 2024
A JCU Psychology Senior Lecturer shares her current research projects and why neuroscience skills can be essential for people interested in working in fields such as sales and marketing or government. #JCUPsychology

Studying nursing in the 1990s - 6 Dec 2023
JCU Nursing Alumni Judy Reichman shares her journey from a self-conscious student in Townsville in the 1990s to helping families as a Registered Nurse and Midwife as well as a coordinator of the free Triple P parenting program in Townsville. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in managing death anxiety and fear of missing out - 6 Dec 2023
Researchers have uncovered a previously unexplored link between Fear of Missing Out and Death Anxiety revealing a connection between the persistent worry of missing out and heightened concerns about mortality. #JCUPsychology

Neuroimaging: Research into improving our brain health and early intervention - 4 Nov 2023
A JCU researcher discusses the important research into neuroimaging, and how that can result in early intervention of brain disease and perhaps indicators of mental ill-health. #JCUPsychology

The healing charms of music - 20 Oct 2023
New research reveals people who focus deeply on music can have strong emotional reactions – across the full range of emotions – that can have significant therapeutic benefits. #JCUPsychology

Mindfulness program expands to help women - 19 Oct 2023
Women who have experienced sexual, family or domestic violence are being encouraged to join a successful JCU program aimed at improving mental health through meditation. #JCUPsychology

Clear and precise a winner for being liked - 26 Sep 2023
It’s a trait often associated with those in public life, but being vague may not be the best way to win friends and influence people according to a new JCU study. #JCUPsychology

Deepfakes and how to recognise them - 17 Sep 2023
Can your recognise deepfakes or will you unwittingly accept them as truth and pass them on to friends? #JCUPsychology

Deepfakes tricky to spot -  12 Sep 2023
A study of people’s ability to detect ‘deepfakes’ has shown humans perform fairly poorly, even when given hints on how to identify video-based deceit. #JCUPsychology

What is successor dog syndrome and how do you overcome it? - 31 Aug 2023
Guilt, high expectations key factors behind successor dog syndrome in assistance pet handlers. #JCUPsychology

Fixing the new dog blues - 16 Aug 2023
A study on why owners of new dogs often have trouble connecting with their new companion has found a set of factors that may help prevent the phenomenon and has highlighted the need to be aware of ‘successor dog syndrome’. #JCUPsychology

Why can watching your favourite sports team feel like you’re taking an emotional rollercoaster ride? - 8 Aug 2023
This psychological attachment in sport is called “fan identification” or “team identification”, and typically, we attach to teams that represent other aspects of ourselves. #JCUPsychology

Townsville joins world-first stroke rehabilitation trial - 13 Jul 2023
JCU has secured Townsville a place in a national stroke rehabilitation trial which is testing a new approach to restoring communication and hand and arm function in stroke survivors. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Radio remains top of the pops - 5 Jul 2023
It may be a technology developed in the 19th century, but James Cook University researchers have found radio still offers a surprising range and depth of experience to listeners today. #JCUPsychology

Psychedelics and Psychedelic-assisted Therapy - 27 Jun 2023
Members of the public are invited to take part in a  JCU Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab project exploring the perceptions and current knowledge about psychedelics and psychedelic-assisted therapy among Australians.  #JCUPsychology

First Nations women don’t always access health care after head injuries from family violence - 15 Jun 2023
Fear of child removal, poverty, coercive control and low awareness of traumatic brain injury related to family violence can all impact on when and how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women access health care and support services. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Mindfulness program gets a new workout - 8 Jun 2023
Demand has soared for JCU’s Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) study, the next phase of which will be hosted by 1 Million Strong gym at Mt Louisa. #JCUPsychology

Stroke recovery research: help needed - 30 May 2023
JCU researchers are testing a new way to help stroke survivors regain arm movement and learn to speak well again, and they are looking for volunteers in Townsville and Cairns to help out. #JCUPhysiotherapy

How can exercise improve your mental health? - 29 May 2023
Exercise is well-known for its physical health benefits, but it can also have a positive impact on mental health. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Abuse and neglect put kids on fast track to crime - 17 May 2023
Researchers examining the effect bad childhoods have on youth criminals say some types of experience have a greater effect on criminality than others. #JCUPsychology

A commitment to care across careers - 12 May 2023
Shannon Wellings thought teaching was the career for her, but after realising that providing her students with health care truly sparked her passion, she turned to nursing. #JCUNursingMidwifery

The mental health obstacle - 5 May 2023
A JCU researcher is developing a program aimed at improving veterans’ health through physical activity and exercise. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Midwifery graduate goes for gold standard of care - 3 May 2023
Bachelor of Nursing Science – Bachelor of Midwifery graduate Kira Teare says she feels lucky to have found her true passion in being a midwife and providing perinatal care. #JCUNursingMidwifery

JCU program delivers its first Invictus Games competitor - 27 Apr 2023
A JCU program helping veterans thrive physically and mentally has had a big win, with one of its participants selected for the prestigious Invictus Games. #JCUSportExerciseScience

How does loneliness impact well-being among youth? - 14 Apr 2023
Research explores the experience of loneliness influencing well-being among youths, where significant contributors to the experience of loneliness among youth were uncovered. #JCUPsychology

Mindfulness can help diabetes sufferers - 21 Mar 2023
JCU researchers have found practising mindfulness techniques can have positive effects for diabetes sufferers. #JCUPsychology

Lifelong dream realised for Mt Isa nurse - 15 Mar 2023
Edwina Shepherd always wanted to be a nurse, but for a long time, decades in fact, the timing just wasn’t right. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Hikikomori risk factors linked to social withdrawal tendencies among young adults in Singapore - 2 Mar 2023
Individuals who feel like they do not fit in — because of depression, suppressing emotions, or more — may be more likely to withdraw from society. #JCUPsychology

Giving kids communication confidence - 28 Feb 2023
Teaching kids how to communicate effectively can support them to not only express themselves but to positively impact the world. #JCUSpeechPathology

Could AI like ChatGPT replace human counsellors and therapists? - 20 Feb 2023
Companies and government agencies have rolled out AI chatbots to address employees’ mental health concerns, but such initiatives might miss the bigger picture. #JCUPsychology

World Radio Day celebrates unstoppable radio - 13 Feb 2023
A JCU researcher is celebrating World Radio Day today, with research increasingly highlighting how music and the arts are beneficial to our well-being, including engaging with radio. #JCUPsychology

Study adds more brains to the brawn - 8 Feb 2023
Walking the high-performance tightrope between data and drills is the focus of a new study on how experts can get the best out of a team in elite level rugby league. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Soldiers ‘use the force’ to stay fighting fit - 2 Feb 2023
JCU researchers have given soldiers a potential new way to work out based on assessments from force plates - special mechanical sensing systems. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Fear of death may motivate us to play games excessively - 18 Jan 2023
A new JCU Singapore study examines our fear of death as an unconscious motivation for gaming. #JCUPsychology

Health students broaden horizons through hands-on learning in remote QLD - 7 Dec 2022
Allied health students on clinical placements in rural and remote North West Queensland get to experience a sense of community and unlimited learning opportunities. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

How do you condition your body to be more resilient in hot and humid conditions? - 5 Dec 2022
When exercising in hot environments, there is an additional increase in body temperature due to the environment, with high humidity making conditions feel even hotter. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Game-changing tool to help rehab patients - 11 Nov 2022
A JCU team developing a world-first device which keeps trauma patients focused on their recovery is a step closer to starting patient trials after being awarded a major prize. #JCUPsychology

Hit song secrets unveiled - 9 Nov 2022
JCU Psychologists have revealed some of the secrets of scoring a chart-topping, hit song. #JCUPsychology

Bush tucker proves nourishing for pregnant First Nations mums - 3 Nov 2022
The nutritional habits of pregnant Indigenous women are being examined by JCU researchers as part of a broader body of work. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Veterans tap into mindfulness with new program - 1 Nov 2022
A new JCU study will use techniques such as mindfulness meditation to try to improve the mental health of Townsville’s military veterans. #JCUPsychology

New online tool for prenatal testing decisions - 28 Oct 2022
A new online tool has been launched to support expectant parents in their choices around prenatal testing for chromosome conditions in their unborn baby. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Radio in the golden age - 19 Oct 2022
A JCU researcher says music brings much comfort and joy to older people, and she wants older Australians to join a research project examining why they love listening to the radio. #JCUPsychology

A special connection: Humans and their pets - 18 Oct 2022
A JCU Psychology lecturer tells us how cat and dog owners have weathered the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, and how pets coped when their owners could suddenly go out again after the lockdowns eased. #JCUPsychology

Aspiring Health Professionals key to successful Mount Isa Rehab Service - 18 Oct 2022
Aspiring occupational therapists and physiotherapists are gaining important on-the-ground experience in the North West Community Rehabilitation Centre in Mount Isa. #JCUOccupationalTherapy #JCUPhysiotherapy

Building a tactical athlete - 17 Oct 2022
JCU Sport and Exercise Science researchers are targeting a new approach to military training techniques that may result in Australian soldiers suffering fewer injuries in the field. #JCUSportExerciseScience

An accidental occupational therapist - 12 Oct 2022
Turning 28 and worn out after a decade working long, unpredictable hours in the hospitality industry, former chef Matthew Ganly found himself in a career conundrum. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

Receiving the energy to go further - 5 Oct 2022
For JCU Student Jodie Mottram, receiving the Arrow Energy Scholarship was the key to unlocking the opportunity to achieve her personal, educational and professional goals. #JCUPsychology

Our future health in Tyeena's caring hands - 30 Sep 2022
With young aspiring nurses like Tyeena Pang, our future health services are in good hands. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Hands-on help in occupational therapy - 27 Sep 2022
JCU Alumni Mignon Prinsloo tells us about her journey to become an Occupational Therapist (OT) working in Hand Therapy, and why OT and Physiotherapy both have their place in a good rehabilitation program. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

A guide to procrastination and how to overcome it - 19 Sep 2022
Procrastination is a learned response, which means you can unlearn it. First, you need to understand why and how you use procrastination, and then learn how to change this habit. #JCUPsychology

Putting the ‘fun’ in functional training - 13 Sep 2022
JCU Sport and Exercise Science researchers have been analysing an increasingly popular workout technique and have found it reduces blood pressure and cheers people up. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Fighting fit - 12 Sep 2022
JCU Sport and Exercise Science researchers reviewed the effects of exercise training on various fitness domains that contribute to occupational performance and musculoskeletal injury risk in military personnel. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Grandmother inspires award winner to follow a career in nursing - 9 Sep 2022
A mother of three young children with a strong commitment to the Mount Isa Aboriginal community has received the Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health award at the JCU annual Indigenous Student Awards. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Guiding and providing diabetes care - 6 Sep 2022
JCU alumni and dietitian Annabel Johnston says that studying diabetes education at JCU gave her the boost in professional skills to launch into a new avenue of dietetics. #JCUNursingMidwifery

An app for that: Prenatal education and support - 2 Sep 2022
A JCU researcher has developed an informative app, YourChoice, that aims to support pregnant women to make confident, informed decisions. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Indigenous perspectives improve Indigenous health outcomes - 31 Aug 2022
Two JCU Speech Pathology graduates are using their skills as well as their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds to make a difference to the health services they are now working in.  #JCUSpeechPathology

Study to tackle concussion head on - 30 Aug 2022
Understanding more about the effects of concussion in women’s contact sports is set to be the focus of a new study by a JCU PhD candidate. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Achieving meaningful movement - 24 Aug 2022
JCU student Kady Delle Baite has always found her happiness in helping others. Now in her fourth year of studying Occupational Therapy, Kady has been able to do just that. #JCUOccupationalTherapy

Sing like there's nobody comparing - 18 Aug 2022
New research reveals the exceptional singing skills of contestants on reality TV shows may be stopping people from singing in public. #JCUPsychology

From sporty kid to sport specialist - 17 Aug 2022
As a sporty kid with a dedication to the books, a career in exercise physiology is a perfect fit for Samantha Beringen. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Placed on a path to occupational therapy - 11 Aug 2022
After deciding to study Occupational Therapy, JCU Alumni Dominique Di Marzio says that her placements set her up for success in her career. #JCUOccupational Therapy

Riding into a career as an equine-assisted therapist - 10 Aug 2022
JCU Singapore alumna Lavannya Sivanandan discovered the world of equine therapy through an internship that would change her life. #JCUPsychology

A path to practicing psychology -  9 Aug 2022
As a child, JCU Alumni Lauren Cavati says she was always the person who enjoyed providing her friends with support and lending an ear to those in need. #JCUPsychology

Humble colleagues or competent colleagues, which do you prefer? - 29 Jul 2022
New research explores whether people value humble colleagues more than competent colleagues. #JCUPsychology

Pursuing psychology for player support - 21 Jul 2022
Working with the North Queensland Cowboys since 1994, Kevin Marty wanted to develop the skills to support players’ wellbeing both on and off the field. #JCUPsychology

Giving Cairns kids first dibs on speech pathology - 18 Jul 2022
Having seen the benefits first-hand of early intervention speech pathology therapies on young children, two JCU Speech Pathology alumni decided it was time to take the plunge and set up their own paediatric speech therapy clinic. #JCUSpeechPathology

‘Dog people’ may do better in lockdown - 18 Jul 2022
Researchers examining why dog owners living alone during Covid restrictions were less lonely think it may have to do with the type of person who owns dogs rather than having a dog itself. #JCUPsychology

Online mental health fine-tuned - 14 Jul 2022
JCU researchers working on fine-tuning online mental health programs for young people say parental involvement is key – and they have some ideas on how to maximise it. #JCUPsychology

Innovative stroke recovery research - 5 July 2022
JCU researchers are testing an innovative new way to help stroke survivors regain arm movement and learn to speak again, and they are looking for volunteers for the research project. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Future cricket stars to take skills to next level - 28 Jun 2022
JCU and Queensland Cricket have joined forces to give North Queensland’s best junior cricketers every chance of success at the highest level in a new training program set to start next month. #JCUSportExerciseScience

How a Q&A could be career-defining - 24 Jun 2022
The time it takes for a candidate to respond to questions during a job interview could determine their future career path, according to new JCU research involving more than 5100 participants from the UK, US, Singapore, and Australia. #JCUPsychology

The mating game -  2 Jun 2022
A JCU study has found men who want to be fathers are more attractive to women – but with a catch. #JCUPsychology

New program to boost veterans’ health - 31 May 2022
A new program designed to help Townsville veterans thrive physically and mentally is set to be rolled out by JCU. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Terror Management Theory: Thinking about death can bring out the worst in us - 17 May 2022
A new study makes use of big data analysis to examine terror management theory’s effects amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. #JCUPsychology

Forging a unique path to nursing - 11 May 2022
Unexpectedly leaving school after Year 11, Emma Parker pursued a unique pathway and successfully reached her goal despite an unconventional beginning to her studies. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Pepper the vaccine prepper - 29 Apr 2022 
A humanoid robot called Pepper has proven an effective way to overcome vaccine hesitancy and spread health information. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Overwhelmed by the crisis in Ukraine? Here's how you can deal with the stress - 26 Apr 2022
Dr Alla Demutska, originally from Ukraine, shares her thoughts on the crisis in Ukraine and how we can deal with the accompanying stress. #JCUPsychology

Confronting pre-COVID mental health demons - 20 Apr 2022
The hidden personal demons faced by people prior to the COVID-19 pandemic must be confronted as Australia begins to socially reconnect, according to a JCU researcher. #JCUPsychology

Looking to exercise more? Focus and plan out your actions - 12 Apr 2022
A new JCU Singapore study examines how different types of planning could help increase physical exercise behaviour and overcome a lack of action. #JCUPsychology

Exploring the link between psychological science and well-being - 4 Apr 2022
James Cook University (JCU), Singapore’s first-ever Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference took place 4–5 March 2022. #JCUPsychology

Providing speech pathology in hard-to-reach places - 29 Mar 2022
Growing up in Ayr with family members who needed to access speech pathology services, JCU Alumni Jenna Mottin knew that she wanted to make a difference. #JCUSpeechPathology

JCU Hub works to build ultimate athletes - 21 Mar 2022
A band of elite super athletes could soon be leading their teams to victory with help from James Cook University’s Performance Science Hub. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Is 'Going Troppo' an actual condition? - 11 Mar 2022
According to the Australian National Dictionary, ‘Going Troppo’ is to be “mentally disturbed due to too much time spent in the tropics (and heat)”. #JCUPsychology

Turn on and tune out for free - 10 Mar 2022
Psychologists are offering free access to an innovative music project described as ‘a soundtracked therapy session’ as part of a JCU study. #JCUPsychology

A hookup may not make you feel better - 2 Mar 2022
A new study by JCU researchers has found satisfaction with casual sex depends on the motivation behind it. #JCUPsychology

New mothers and their parents: How past parenting affects new mothers - 16 Feb 2022
First-time parents frequently grapple with mixed emotions and a changing identity, as they think about what kind of parent they will be and whether they might repeat mistakes made by their own parents. #JCUPsychology

Empowering communities with exercise physiology - 24 Feb 2022
Three JCU Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (Clinical) alumni have decided to team up and operate their own clinic. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Find your place through practical placements - 23 Feb 2022
Third-year JCU nursing student Sharon Groves reflects on her study journey, the placements she has experienced, and her passion for rural, remote and regional women’s health. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: nostalgia’s impact on the Hottest 100 - 24 Jan 2022
There is an enormous amount going on in your brain when you listen to your favourite tunes. #JCUPsychology

The relationship between your personality and gaming addiction - 13 Jan 2022
A new study explores the link between an addiction to video gaming and well-known personality traits. #JCUPsychology

Game addiction linked to personality - 12 Jan 2022
A new study by JCU has found an addiction to video gaming is linked to well-known personality traits – and some, including people who display neurotic tendencies and are introverted are more likely to suffer the disorder. #JCUPsychology

Same-sex couples find their own way - 23 Dec 2021
A JCU study of how gay men maintain their long-term relationships in countries where homosexual practices are illegal has uncovered how couples overcome the obstacles to their love. #JCUPsychology

Physiotherapy for the heart and lungs - 14 Dec 2021
Nnamdi Mgbemena is an international student from Nigeria who makes moving halfway across the world to complete a PhD in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy look easy. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Pursuing a call to nursing: a life-changing experience - 3 Dec 2021
As a child, JCU Nursing Student Zolita Cook spent many hours in hospital due to hereditary spherocytosis. Now, as a nursing student, she is seeking to make a difference to her future patients. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Gala celebrates international students - 22 Nov 2021
JCU College of Healthcare Sciences  PhD student Nnamdi Chidiebere Mgbemena, from Nigeria, said it was surreal to win the International Postgraduate Student of the Year award, as he prepares to finish his studies after three-and-a-half years. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Nursing a career in health - 18 Nov 2021
Having a life-threatening condition and being admitted to the ICU proved to be a pivotal moment in which 2nd year nursing student Megan Lee decided to pursue a career in nursing. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Exploring interventions for youth crime - 18 Nov 2021
Youth crime is a serious issue and there is no simple solution. However, research into the underlying factors involved can lead to a breakthrough. #JCUPsychology

No joke – male humour helps groups reach goals - 22 Oct 2021
Researchers have found robust humour has a role in helping men in support groups achieve their goals – but it has to be used carefully. #JCUPsychology

The hidden social cost of wearing face masks - 18 Oct 2021
A JCU Singapore researcher explores how face masks inhibit social interactions by pondering what the Mona Lisa would look like during the COVID-19 pandemic. #JCUPsychology

Online book helps explain devastating dementia condition - 23 Sep 2021
A unique variant of dementia that affected the late comedian Robin Williams will be highlighted in a new interactive teaching resource produced by James Cook University, with contributions by College of Healthcare Sciences researchers. #JCUNursingMidwifery #JCUSportExerciseScience

Music trumps video during lockdown - 22 Sep 2021
New JCU research shows people who listen to music during lockdown are happier than those who depend on their screens for distraction. #JCUPsychology

Chilled vibes ease work stress - 27 Aug 2021
A JCU researcher has found many people use music to help deal with work and social stress – but less often to cope with life’s other unpleasantries. #JCUPsychology

Dark tourism can lead to dark places - 26 Aug 2021
A JCU researcher has been studying ‘dark tourism’ – the phenomenon in which tourists visit sites of death and disaster – and is warning of its psychological dangers. #JCUCHS

Healing voices on the radio - Studying senior adults' radio use -  25 Aug 2021
Does listening to the radio make you happier and healthier? A JCU Psychology lecturer researches the benefits of listening to the radio especially for older adults. #JCUPsychology

A dog's life - they're not all equal - 18 Aug 2021
New research from JCU has found people support the use of assistance dogs – such as those used by visually and hearing-impaired people – and believe the dogs are happy serving humans. #JCUPsychology

Brain structure differences unlikely to be a major source of sex differences in behaviour - 3 Aug 2021
New research suggests brain structure differences in men and women aren’t strongly linked to behavioural differences. #JCUPsychology

Eating disorders: Discovering how it impacts our bodies and mental health - 19 Jul 2021
JCU in Singapore tackles eating disorders in its Master of Psychology (Clinical), as Clinical Psychology Lecturer shares insights on the important issue. #JCUPsychology

Music listening habits give insight into human nature - 8 Jul 2021
New research has shown how important music is in people’s lives – and how it leads them to be their own personal DJs. #JCUPsychology

New study shows dogs may be more beneficial than cats for mental health - 7 Jul 2021
It's no surprise owning a pet can help improve mental health, but a new study by a JCU Psychology lecturer shows dogs may be more beneficial than cats. #JCUPsychology

Dogs vs cats in lockdown - 7 Jul 2021
New research reveals there are differences in how dogs and cats help people deal with the loneliness of COVID lockdowns. #JCUPsychology

‘Be a sponge’: Tips to nail clinical placement - 24 Jun 2021
Clinical placements give undergraduate nursing and midwifery students the opportunity to transfer theory into practice and consolidate their knowledge and skills. #JCUNursingMidwifery

New fathers: Under pressure and overlooked - 18 Jun 2021
A JCU Psychology PhD candidate's research findings highlight the unique challenges new fathers face, and how the right support can give their new family the best possible start. #JCUPsychology

More focus needed on female travellers’ needs - 17 Jun 2021
A JCU researcher has called for travel medicine organisations to focus more on the needs of women, who face a particular range of challenges when they travel. #JCUCHS

Is Autism linked to a more 'male' brain? - 16 Jun 2021
Researchers have been investigating an intriguing theory that links autism to having an ‘extreme male brain’ – but have found it is not that simple. #JCUPsychology

How the coronavirus pandemic impacts irritable bowel syndrome - 2 Jun 2021
New research studies the impact of COVID‐19 on respondents with self‐reported irritable bowel syndrome.  #JCUPsychology

Tech can help with lockdown blues - 2 Jun 2021
JCU Psychology researchers have found technology such as video conferencing is effective in helping people cope psychologically with COVID-19 restrictions, but face-to-face meetings also have an important part to play. #JCUPsychology

Why do we feel less lonely in loud environments? - 25 May 2021
New JCU Psychology research explores how louder sounds make people feel closer and more connected to others, while quietness evokes a sense of loneliness. #JCUPsychology

Busting the Florence Nightingale myth - 25 May 2021
Contrary to popular belief, the fundamentals of professional nursing did not start with Florence Nightingale and its history is older than many realize. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Nurses leading beyond times of crisis - 12 May 2021
While the media heralds our nurses as heroes and angels for the work they have performed during the epidemic, a JCU Nursing and Midwifery researcher tells us why nurses are much more than we may think.  #JCUNursingMidwifery

Investing in our midwives - 5 May 2021
Midwives play an incredibly important role in our societies, communities, and families, and to our mothers and infants, the care and education that midwives bring is invaluable. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Exploring the inner mind from the outer world - 4 May 2021
From the importance of critical thinking to the interconnection of social theories and experiences, a JCU Psychology alumni, researcher and lecturer gives us a look into what it’s like to explore the inner mind from the outer world. #JCUPsychology

How to train your diet - 16 Apr 2021
Many people face struggles with healthy eating and regular exercise, but discoveries in health and psychological research may hold the answer to your fitness breakthrough. #JCUPsychology

Why can't I stop thinking about my ex? - 14 Apr 2021
When trying to stop thinking about an ex, individuals often engage in thought suppression. #JCUPsychology

How boredom affects bedtime procrastination and sleep quality - 3 Apr 2021
New research suggests that the inability to be mindfully attentive to the present plays a role in compromised sleep quality. #JCUPsychology

Which cyclone prepper are you? - 11 Mar 2021
A JCU Psychology PhD student wants to use artificial intelligence to improve the way authorities communicate with people about disasters. #JCUPsychology

'Sack the manager' call supported by science - 26 Feb 2021
Firing the manager or coach when things go wrong is a common tactic for soccer teams looking to improve, and new research from James Cook University shows it works – for a while. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Slow lies: sincerity is in the timing - 17 Feb 2021
When you ask someone a question, do you believe them more or less if they took a few seconds before replying? New research shows how we perceive someone’s sincerity – or insincerity – is influenced by response time. #JCUPsychology

How do top cricketers stay mentally sharp? - 31 Jan 2021
A JCU Sport and Exercise Science lecturer, tells us how cricket's top batsmen keep it together, mentally, under the weight of pressure. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Elite sport experience for JCU students - 7 Dec 2020
Fourteen JCU students have been getting the ultimate real-world experience working with elite basketballers as part of the JCU Recovery Hub established for the 2020 Chemist Warehouse WNBL season. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Victoria's hotel quarantine overhaul is a step in the right direction, but issues remain - 4 Dec 2020
From an infection prevention and control standpoint, the new system definitely has some improvements, but there are still issues yet to be resolved, and some unknowns that haven’t been made clear to the public. #JCUNursingMidwifery

How to prepare for the next pandemic - 1 Dec 2020
JCU Singapore Psychology academics contribute to a book on pandemic preparedness for practitioners and policymakers. #JCUPsychology

Giving kids communication confidence - 22 Nov 2020
Teaching kids how to communicate effectively can support them to not only express themselves but to positively impact the world. #JCUSpeechPathology

Mummy buddies beat baby blues - 19 Nov 2020
JCU researchers have trialled a new program in which experienced mothers mentor new mums – and have found it is an effective and economical way to avoid the pitfalls some new mothers face. #JCUPsychology

International nurses struggling to fit in -  12 Nov 2020 
Adjusting to life Down Under is not easy for everyone, as a JCU researcher discovered while doing her PhD on international nurses who are working in Australia. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Cultivating a deeper understanding of traumatic brain injury - 11 Nov 2020
A Professor of Clinical Psychology at JCU Singapore shares his research and observations of patients who have suffered traumatic brain injury. #JCUPsychology

Women's refs have it tough - 3 Nov 2020
JCU researchers have new data suggesting referees of women’s basketball have a harder time than when they officiate the men’s game. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Want to improve your wellbeing? Give nature a chance - 20 Oct 2020
Being immersed in nature is a great way to improve your mood, and new research from James Cook University shows you don’t need to join an organised program to see the benefits. #JCUPsychology

Traumatic brain injury: Prediction of survival and patterns of recovery - 15 Oct 2020
A JCU Psychology Professor shares his insights on the prediction of survival and patterns of recovery following significant traumatic brain injury. #JCUPsychology

Drop the mic: could karaoke be bad for you? - 13 Oct 2020
A Lecturer of Speech Pathology at JCU is investigating if people who participate in karaoke notice changes to their voices, which could lead to long-term damage. #JCUSpeechPathology

The eyes have it - 9 Oct 2020
In order to accurately estimate a stranger’s age, it helps to see their eyes, according to a JCU researcher. #JCUPsychology

Exercise enjoyment linked to addiction recovery - 1 Oct 2020
Scientists have found exercise that is enjoyable helps steer young drug and alcohol abusers away from their addictions. #JCUPsychology

Karaoke could be bad for your health - 9 Sep 2020
A JCU Speech Pathology researcher is investigating what many people, who've had to listen to karaoke, already know - It could be bad for your health. #JCUSpeechPathology

Someone call the midwife - 9 Sep 2020
Few people are fortunate enough to find what they are born to do. For A JCU Midwifery lecturer, supporting women before, during and after giving birth is her calling. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Is karaoke bad for you? - 9 Sep 2020
A JCU researcher wants to learn more about what karaoke does to our vocal cords. #JCUSpeechPathology

Cyclone preparations hinge on cost and effectiveness - 3 Sep 2020
Researchers have found north Queenslanders are more likely to prepare for a cyclone if they think their planning will make a difference, and it doesn’t cost too much money. #JCUPsychology

Exercise therapy for Parkinson's disease - 26 Aug 2020
Researchers at James Cook University and La Trobe University are working on making life better for people with Parkinson’s disease by developing a new exercise program. #JCUPhysiotherapy

How do you prepare for a disaster? - 25 Aug 2020
A JCU researcher wants to understand what motivates people to prepare for disasters, with the aim of improving public warning campaigns.  #JCUPsychology

A unified call to action from Australian Nursing and Midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black Lives Matter - 21 Aug  2020
Over 100 nursing and midwifery leaders are calling for reform in nursing and midwifery education and the dismantling of systems of oppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian healthcare system. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Virtual reality distracts kids from pain - 12 Aug 2020
Researchers believe Virtual Reality (VR) headsets may help reduce children’s anxiety and their experience of pain when they undergo injections in an emergency department (ED). #JCUNursingMidwifery

Howzat! We can all learn from elite batsmen, and not just about cricket - 22 Jul 2020
To find out what gives elite cricketers the edge a team of researchers interviewed eight expert high-performance international or state-level coaches, who themselves were batsmen at those levels. #JCUSportExerciseScience

How much exercise do we need? - 21 Jul 2020
‘Exercise is good for you’ – we hear this every day, but it is still difficult for many of us to turn well-intentioned advice into burnt calories. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Porn is not a sexist trigger for most - 17 Jul 2020
JCU researchers have found that pornography use is not associated with sexism among heterosexual men. #JCUPsychology

Post-workout binge a mind game - 10 Jul 2020
New research suggests how and what people think about their workout can have a big impact on how well they eat afterwards. #JCUPsychology

Howzat? Mental routines define top batsmen - 9 Jul 2020
A JCU study has revealed the mental approach that gives great cricketers their edge – and it may well apply to other areas of expertise too. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Racism in Singapore: Examining how racial discrimination impacts hiring decisions - 3 Jul 2020
A study conducted by JCU provides a potential explanation to the economic disparities between races in Singapore.  #JCUPsychology

Baby blues hit men too - 25 Jun 2020
A JCU study has found men have some unique risk factors for depression around the time a baby is born. #JCUPsychology

Antenatal screening unplugged - 23 Jun 2020
Join us as our experts discuss the field of antenatal screening, including the options available, and how best to manage patients through their decision making process around genetic and other pregnancy screening. JCUNursingMidwifery

Mystic drink investigated - 18 Jun 2020
A JCU researcher has revealed the truth behind the myth of the fabled green drink absinthe and explored the danger of the rising popularity of ‘absinthe trails’. #JCUCHS

Older people may be more at risk from gaming addiction - 22 May 2020
A JCU researcher has found teens and young adults are more at risk from computer gaming addiction than children. #JCUPsychology

Jurors easily led astray - 20 May 2020
A JCU study has shown jurors can potentially be swayed by small amounts of misinformation presented during trials. #JCUPsychology

Keeping your home a coronavirus-free zone - 7 May 2020
As Queensland gets ready to send students back to school, JCU researchers say it’s time to remind ourselves about how we can keep our homes and families safe from COVID-19. #JCUNursingMidwifery

COVID-19 myth busting: protecting your home and family - 7 May 2020
Join our expert panel of JCU researchers as they bust COVID-19 myths and reveal how you can keep your family free of infection in isolation. #JCUNursingMidwifery

How to protect your mental health when working from home amid the COVID-19 pandemic - 1 May 2020
As many of you work from home, our JCU Psychology lecturers weigh in on what you can do to get through this difficult time. #JCUPsychology

JCU specialists work on new coronavirus clinics - 22 Apr 2020
Two James Cook University infection control experts are working with Aspen Medical to redesign buildings and procedures for new GP-led respiratory clinics. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Mental Health in COVID-19: Our patients and ourselves - 14 Apr 2020
Join our expert panelists as they explore the research on mental health following major disasters including the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare workers in China in this webinar. #JCUPsychology

JCU Physiotherapy Clinic offering telehealth services - 7 Apr 2020
The JCU Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Clinic is now offering physiotherapy telehealth, allowing patients to receive assessment and advice without leaving their homes. #JCUPhysiotherapy

Managing uncertainty during the COVID-19 crisis - 3 Apr 2020
We are ‘together’ in a sense of being united against COVID-19, but in our physical circumstances, we are perhaps more separate than we have ever been. #JCUPsychology

Soldiers pump iron - 2 Apr 2020
JCU researchers have been investigating new fitness programs to better prepare Australian soldiers for the battlefield – and pumping weights could be the answer. #JCUSportExerciseScience

Exercise works for those beginning cancer treatment - 12 Mar 2020
A JCU researcher says scientists have found that exercise can be beneficial to patients as they begin treatment for prostate cancer. #JCUSportExerciseScience

'Empathy moments' in first year nursing and midwifery student curriculum - 16 Feb 2020
A JCU  Lecturer explains that as nurse and midwifery academics teaching communication and professional skills and development of attributes valuing the essence of caring with clinical requirements is of significant importance. #JCUNursingMidwifery

Let's talk about sex - 14 Feb 2020
Women’s attitudes to sexuality have changed over the past 50 years but society is yet to catch up, according to research from JCU. #JCUPsychology

Building community spirit in mining towns - 4 Feb 2020
New research shows people who live in mining towns feel more connected to their community if the mining company is locally owned, rather than operated by multinational corporations. #JCUPsychology

Finding the right exercise balance for people with multiple sclerosis - 16 Jan 2020
A JCU researcher is looking for volunteers as she examines the beneficial effects of sport and exercise for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). #JCUPhysiotherapy