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College News Archive

Making a difference in Fiji and Pacific Islands

Mon, 15 Apr 2019
Categories: Staff, Students, International.
For thousands in Fiji and across the Pacific, access to highly skilled primary health care professionals in rural and remote communities can be lifesaving. So when James Cook University’s (JCU) Doctor Ruth Eagles was given the opportunity to assist with establishing the country’s first Postgraduate
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Future Doctors Focus on Closing the Gap

Thu, 21 Mar 2019
Categories: Staff.
Second-year medical students marked National Close the Gap day with a mock community meeting designed to help them make a difference in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes in the future.
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Meri lida (women leaders) learn about sexual health at Pacific Adventist University, Port Moresby

Thu, 20 Dec 2018
Categories: Staff.
A two-day sexual health training workshop was recently conducted at Koiari Park Campus of Pacific Adventist University (PAU), Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Designed and delivered by researchers from James Cook University (JCU), PAU and the PNG National Department of Health, the training
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Hot shot!

Mon, 5 Nov 2018
Categories: Staff.
Come holiday time, JCU Head of Oral Surgery, Victoria Mellish, sets aside her scalpel and becomes a globe-trotting shutterbug – whose photos have featured three times already in the Lonely Planet magazine.
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Fast track to country doctor career

Fri, 2 Nov 2018
Categories: Alumni.
JCU’s unique medical experience is fast-tracking Tom Currie’s ability to achieve his ambition to work as a Rural Generalist in a country town.
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