College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

When will invasive species be considered native?
Mon, 27 Feb 2023
A James Cook University researcher says invasive plant species cause great damage to natural habitats and the farming industry. But they are adapting so quickly, that they might need to be renamed as new native species at some point.

Hi-tech is making the seas transparent
Thu, 16 Feb 2023
Researchers at James Cook University who paired a revolutionary method for detecting fish with freely available ecological data believe the technique could transform environmental science.

Citizen scientists tend oyster gardens
Thu, 9 Feb 2023
Australia’s first ‘oyster gardening’ project has shown the practice benefits the environment and could be an easy way for citizen scientists to improve marine environments.

New study reveals critically low numbers of north Queensland quolls
Tue, 7 Feb 2023
A study just out reveals that north Queensland’s endangered northern spotted-tailed quolls (Dasyurus maculatus gracilis) might in fact be critically endangered, with numbers down to fewer than 250 individuals, in a handful of small and declining populations.

Manufacturing to take off with Area 61
Tue, 24 Jan 2023
The next big thing in commercial manufacturing could be just around the corner with the help of a new program overseen by a cutting-edge unit at James Cook University.

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