IT Services Help and Support Eduroam WiFi
Eduroam Wireless
- Future Students
- JCU Global Experience
- International Students
- Open Day
- How to apply
- Pathways to university
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- Publications
- Mature students
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- JCU Families
- JCU Heroes Programs
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Marine Science
- Elite Athletes
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- Student Ambassador Program
- Updates to JCU Email Security
- New students
- JCU Orientation
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- Off-Campus Students
- JCU Job Ready
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- JCU Prizes
- Professional Experience Placement
- Employability Edge
- Art of Academic Writing
- Art of Academic Editing
- Careers and Employability
- Student Equity and Wellbeing
- Career Ready Plan
- Careers at JCU
- Partners and Community
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- About JCU
- Reputation and Experience
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- Celebrating 50 Years
- Academy
- Indigenous Engagement
- Education Division
- Graduate Research School
- Research and Teaching
- Research Division
- Research and Innovation Services
- College of Business, Law and Governance
- College of Healthcare Sciences
- College of Medicine and Dentistry
- College of Science and Engineering
- Anthropological Laboratory for Tropical Audiovisual Research (ALTAR)
- Anton Breinl Research Centre
- Agriculture Technology and Adoption Centre (AgTAC)
- Advanced Analytical Centre
- Aquaculture Solutions
- Lions Marine Research Trust
- Australian Tropical Herbarium
- Australian Quantum & Classical Transport Physics Group
- Boating and Diving
- Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab
- Centre for Tropical Biosecurity
- Centre for Tropical Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
- Centre for Disaster Solutions
- Cyclone Testing Station
- The Centre for Disaster Studies
- Daintree Rainforest Observatory
- Fletcherview
- JCU Eduquarium
- JCU Turtle Health Research
- Orpheus
- JCU Ideas Lab
- eResearch
- Indigenous Education and Research Centre
- Past Course and Subject Handbooks
- Estate
- Work Health and Safety
- Staff
- Discover Nature at JCU
- Cyber Security Hub
- Association of Australian University Secretaries
- Services and Resources Division
- Environmental Research Complex [ERC]
- Foundation for Australian Literary Studies
- Gender Equity at JCU
- Give to JCU
- Indigenous Legal Needs Project
- Inherent Requirements
- IsoTropics Geochemistry Lab
IT Services
- Student IT Essentials
- Staff IT Essentials
- Help and Support
- Stay Informed
Secure IT
- Choosing a strong Password
- Cyber Security Hub
- Data Protection
- Device Security
- Email Safety
- Online Security at Home
- Web Safety
- Malware and Virus Protection
- Keep a clean device
- Protect myself from phishing
- Recover a hacked or compromised account
- Protect your digital reputation
- Report a cybersecurity incident
- Password Manager
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Student Systems
- IT Service Catalog
- About
- JCU Webinars
- JCU Events
- JCU Motorsports
- JCU Sport
- Library
- Mabo Decision: 30 years on
- Marine Geophysics Laboratory
- Office of the Vice Chancellor and President
- Outstanding Alumni
- Policy
- Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Rapid Assessment Unit
- Researcher Development Portal
- Roderick Centre for Australian Literature and Creative Writing
- Contextual Science for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
- State of the Tropics
- Strategic Procurement
- Student profiles
- SWIRLnet
- TropEco for Staff and Students
- TUDLab
- VAVS Home
- WHOCC for Vector-borne & NTDs
- Media
- Copyright and Terms of Use
- Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine
- JCU Respect
- Pay review
Eduroam is the worldwide education roaming service available to JCU staff and students providing free WiFi access on any Eduroam connected campus. You can securely connect to any Eduroam wireless network on laptops and mobile devices using your JCU login and password.
Eduroam allows sharing of wireless access between participating institutions, so that staff, students and guests can visit any Eduroam institution and connect to the internet the same way you do on campus.
Access to Eduroam is free. There are no account fees, no connection fees and no access fees.
JCU provides wireless connectivity to its Students, Staff and visiting academics from other supported institutions through Eduroam. It has never been easier to stay connected across all areas of our campuses and remote sites with your laptop or other portable device. More info and Quick start details.
For instructions on how to configure your computer for the Eduroam Wireless Network choose your Operating System from the list below:
Windows | Apple OSX | Mobile Devices
Note: Due to the number of different possible configurations and limitations on certain operating systems we do not support connecting for Linux or PDA's to the eduroam wireless network. It may be that you are able to connect, but we will not support these devices.
- JCU staff visiting other participating institutions who require wireless connectivity back to the JCU network and;
- Visitors to a JCU campus from other participating institutions who wish to connect to their home institution.
The use of Eduroam is governed by the Australian Eduroam Policy and the James Cook University Conditions for Use of University Computing and Communication Facilities Policy.
For visitors to JCU the Acceptable Use Policy of your home institution applies.
Authentication information is recorded by JCU and your home organisation in case of network abuse and for statistical purposes.
All JCU accounts are Eduroam enabled. When visiting other Eduroam enabled institutions JCU staff and students should use their current Eduroam login credentials:
Staff eg and current account password
Student eg and current account password
There is no need to use a VPN connection unless you need access to a specific service at JCU.
Visitors to JCU from other participating Eduroam institutions should use the login settings and credentials provided by their home institutions. We suggest that users configure and test their devices on their home institutions Eduroam network prior to visiting JCU.
If you are visiting JCU from a participating Eduroam institution, please contact IT support at your home institution for additional assistance.
You can use Eduroam at over 500 sites worldwide throughout 59 countries and territories.
This list of participating institutions will give you an indication of which Australian Institutions provide support for Eduroam along with links to their local support pages.
If you are situated at one of the following locations then you will be able to connect to the JCU Network via a wireless connection.
Location | SSID | Authentication | Network Access |
Townsville Douglas Campus | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Townsville City Campus | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Townsville Mater Hospital | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Townsville General Hospital | eduroam | Uni Credentials | QH Network |
Townsville Airport | eduroam | Uni Credentials |
Queensland Airports Limited (QAL) network |
Cairns Smithfield Campus | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Cairns City Campus | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Cairns Base Hospital | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Atherton – Kelly Street | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Atherton – White House | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Daintree Rain Forest Observatory | walkabout | Open | JCU Network |
Fletcherview Research Station | walkabout | Open | JCU Network |
Generalist Medical Training Sites (GMT) | eduroam | eduroam | JCU Network |
Gold Coast Airport | eduroam | eduroam |
Queensland Airports Limited (QAL) network |
Thursday Island AITHM | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Malanda Vet School | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Mackay Base Hospital | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
Mackay Mater Hospital | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
MICRRH Isa Main Office | eduroam | Uni Credentials | QH Network |
MICRRH Cloncurry Office | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
MICRRH Long Reach Office | eduroam | Uni Credentials | QH Network |
MICRRH Weipa Office | eduroam | Uni Credentials | QH Network |
MICRRH Accommodations | eduroam | Uni Credentials | Mixed Network |
Orpheus Island Research Station | walkabout | Open | JCU Network |
Thursday Island AITHM | eduroam | Uni Credentials | JCU Network |
To access a JCU network file share or establish a remote connection to a computer on campus from other locations will require you to use the JCU Virtual Private Network (VPN); see Making a VPN connection to JCU.
Eduroam is down and I need to access a JCU file share?
- If you are at one of the locations listed above and the Eduroam SSID is currently not available and you wish to access file shares or an on campus computer then a VPN connection will be required. See Making a VPN connection to JCU for instructions.
You can find a variety of guides with information on connecting to wireless on the JCU Wireless website. If you still require assistance with connecting to wireless on campus after following the setup guides then contact the IT Help Desk who will be able to provide you with further support.