Featured News Cairns JCU chief to move on

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Cairns JCU chief to move on

The head of James Cook University’s Cairns campus, Dr Stephen Weller, has been appointed Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) at the Australian Catholic University.

The head of James Cook University’s Cairns campus, Dr Stephen Weller, has been appointed Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) at the Australian Catholic University.

The position is based in Sydney and Dr Weller, who is also JCU’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services, will take up his new position in April next year.

“The decision to leave JCU and Cairns has been a very difficult one to make however a return to Sydney and family was always a strong possibility,” Dr Weller said.

“The experience at JCU and in Cairns has been an incredibly rewarding opportunity professionally and personally and I will continue to be actively engaged in my role for the coming months.

"JCU is such an integral and important part of the Cairns community, I have no doubt whatsoever that the University will continue its active engagement agenda no matter who is fortunate enough to replace me in this great job," he said.

JCU’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Sandra Harding congratulated Dr Weller and said he had done an outstanding job across the areas for which he is responsible, since joining the University at the beginning of 2010.

“Fortunately for him, but sadly for us and for the Cairns community of which he has become an important part, a good opportunity presented itself with ACU,” she said.

“Stephen’s key achievements have been in areas including overseeing issues on the Cairns campus before, during and after Cyclone Yasi, sharpening JCU’s approach to critical incidents, health and safety matters, student experience and engagement, and information technology.”

Professor Harding said that Dr Weller had been a most valuable contributor as a member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Committee and an excellent colleague.

The ACU announcement noted that Dr Weller had more than 20 years experience in tertiary education across five universities in three states.

Professor Greg Craven, ACU’s Vice-Chancellor, welcomed Dr Weller to the University and said his skills and experience would be a great asset.

“Dr Weller has long demonstrated a strong commitment to balancing the needs of students, academia, university and community. I congratulate him on his appointment, and look forward to his joining us at ACU in such an important leadership role,” Professor Craven said.

Issued November 19, 2012

Media enquiries: E. linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au T. 07 4042 1007