Featured News The changing needs of children

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

The changing needs of children

A conference in Cairns next week (Friday 17 May) will offer parents and professionals guidance on how to best meet the changing needs of children and communities in the 21st century.

A conference in Cairns next week (Friday 17 May) will offer parents and professionals guidance on how to best meet the changing needs of children and communities in the 21st century.

The one-day conference, Childhood in the Global Age, will feature workshops on topics including: the secret to bright and happy kids; insights into child protection; speech and language in the early years.

“It’s important to understand children and childhood in the 21st century because everything is changing so rapidly,” James Cook University’s Co-ordinator of Early Childhood Education and Care, Dr Reesa Sorin, said.

The keynote address will be given by Maria Aarts, founder of Marte Meo International.

Marte Meo (On one’s own strength) is a program that shows ways to use ordinary interactions to support children’s development. It is applicable to infants, toddlers and school-age children, as well as people with disabilities and older people in care. The program is used by family therapists, early childhood nurses and early childhood educators in more than 30 countries.

Childhood in the Global Age is presented by the Far North Early Childhood Network in partnership with Mission Australia, Benevolent Society, James Cook University, Relationships Australia and Cairns Montessori Centre.

“Local parents, students, and carers, as well as professionals who work with children and families are invited to join us for the conference,” Dr Sorin said. “I’m sure early childhood nurses and educators, as well as social workers, psychologists and child protection practitioners will find the workshops and Maria Aarts’ presentation both helpful and inspiring.”

The forum will be held at Rydges Esplanade Resort, 209-217 Abbott Street, Cairns, from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Friday 17 May. Registration costs $20.00 and bookings can be made on 07 4034 6800 or by emailing karina.enks@benevolent.org.au.

Issued May 9. 2013

Media enquiries: E. linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au T. 07 4042 1007