Featured News JCU’s Singapore campus achieves University status

Media Releases

Thu, 5 May 2016

JCU’s Singapore campus achieves University status

JCU Singapore campus
JCU Singapore

James Cook University has warmly welcomed an announcement by the Australian and Singaporean governments that JCU’s Singapore campus has achieved ‘University’ status.

JCU is the only Australian institution in Singapore to be recognised with ‘University’ status.

The announcement has been made as part of the Australia-Singapore Comprehensive Strategic Partnership process.

JCU Vice Chancellor, Professor Sandra Harding said the announcement is the realisation of a long-held dream for James Cook University.

“This enables us to say to prospective students and staff, communities, and governments, that we are one university in two countries with three tropical campuses.

“We wanted to be seen as an Australian university with a campus in Singapore, and now we have that recognition and that capacity to refer to our presence in that way.

“James Cook University’s campus in Singapore is wholly owned by the University. This announcement adds legitimacy and clarity to our position and our ambition to be one of the great universities of the Tropics.”

Prof Harding has paid tribute to the Australian Government for including James Cook University in their considerations as part of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, noting the particular role Australia’s Special Envoy for Trade, Andrew Robb played in helping to negotiate the agreement.

“Andrew Robb has worked tirelessly to ensure a successful outcome, and I thank him most sincerely for his efforts”.

Prof Harding said JCU has been in Singapore since 2003, and has grown its presence, research capability, and engagement with the city-state.

“13 years after we opened for business in Singapore, we have fulfilled our ambition of being a truly international university, building deeper connections between northern Queensland and Asia.”

“This announcement provides the legitimacy and the formal basis upon which we can give effect to that vision.”

The announcement will make James Cook University’s Singapore campus a more attractive destination for prospective students and staff, and will strengthen northern Queensland’s engagement with Singapore.

It also clarifies the status of the Singapore campus. James Cook University’s Singapore campus only delivers the same programs that are delivered on its campuses in Australia.

“This clarification will improve our ability to deal with various agencies, accreditation bodies, institutions, and industry partners who may have been confused about the campus’ status. The announcement will also highlight the strong and growing links between northern Australia and Singapore,” Prof Harding said.

It’s also expected that the ‘University’ title will reinforce JCU’s status as a high quality education and research institution in Singapore.


For more information please contact:

Richard Davis

Head of Media and Communications, JCU

0413 451 475
