Featured News Flying the flag for forests

Media Releases

Thu, 4 Nov 2021

Flying the flag for forests

a banner hangs from a crane above the Daintree rainforest
Photo: Matthew Currie

Children from 213 schools in 33 nations have sent world leaders a message about climate change by flying a 7 X 4 metre banner from James Cook University’s 47-metre-high crane at the Daintree Rainforest Observatory (DRO).

The banner features the work of 2,629 children who were asked by the Kids Care About Climate Change initiative to illustrate what they love about trees. Their individual drawings form a mosaic that depicts a penguin planting a tree.

“We are impressed by the initiative and passion the students have shown,” DRO Station Manager Dr Michele Schiffer said. “Our canopy crane gives researchers unparalleled access to the rainforest, allowing them to investigate questions such as how climate change might affect the forest’s role as a carbon sink, and how trees are likely to cope with increased temperatures and drought conditions.”

The banner has visited schools in Northern Queensland and will tour key forests around Australia and the world including Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Mozambique and Pakistan as COVID permits.

“The aim of the banner is to give children a voice in this important discussion,” Kids Care About Climate Change organiser Marji Puotinen said. “The children are very excited that their work has flown above the Daintree and will be seen around Australia.”