Policy Academic Governance Coursework Approval, Accreditation and Review Policy

Coursework Approval, Accreditation and Review Policy

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Effective from 01/01/2023


This policy sets out the James Cook University (the University) principles of and requirements for coursework quality assurance.


This policy applies to the approval, accreditation and review of all University coursework programs and units. This policy does not apply to the Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy.

This Policy is supported by a framework of procedures, a schedule outlining approval, accreditation and review responsibilities, and an aligned table of delegations.


Definition of terms for this policy are as per those listed in the Policy Glossary, with the following additions:

Program(s) - refers inclusively to Courses, Majors, Minors, Specialisations, and Teaching Areas.

Unit(s) - refers inclusively to Subjects, Modules, and micro-units.


  • Coursework offerings are guided by University strategies and plans, and with input from industry and communities.
  • Coursework offerings attend to the distinctive JCU Model and relevant JCU Learning, Teaching, and Assessment standards
  • Coursework offerings span AQF levels to meet the current and emerging needs of our communities.
  • Our unique tropical and regional locations, and our strengths in research, facilities and staffing are leveraged to create new coursework offerings.
  • Access and inclusion are addressed in coursework design and inherent requirements, and realised through appropriate use of location, teaching approaches and technologies, and attendance modes.
  • Coursework currency, quality, and sustainability are evaluated and improved through systematic reviews and benchmarking by experts from inside and outside of the university including professional accreditations.
  • Quality of coursework offerings is measured by the student experience, graduate outcomes, and graduate contributions to their profession and community.


1. All programs and units must be compliant with the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) and the Australian Qualifications Framework.

2. All programs and units must meet applicable regulatory and accreditation requirements.

3. All programs and units must be developed and delivered in accordance with University policies and procedures, and approved in accordance with the University delegation register.

4. The Academy is responsible for ensuring program quality and for the governance and administration of approval, accreditation, and review processes for all programs.

5. A College/Division is nominated to be responsible for the quality of each unit and for the governance, coordination, and administration of the approval and review of all units assigned to it.

6. The establishment of, amendments to, and suspensions and discontinuations of coursework programs and units must be approved by the appropriate delegation, and as per the Coursework Approval Procedures.

7. The University must publish the approved coursework information for each academic year.

8. Coursework programs and units are offered on condition that:

a. no changes that require approval are made unless these changes have been approved;

b. formal reviews are conducted with recommendations appropriately addressed, at least every seven years for programs, and at least every three years for units; and

c. the coursework offering does not pose an unacceptable risk to the University.

9. All coursework programs and units are reviewed systematically. Programs are reviewed as per the Course Performance Report Procedure, the Comprehensive Course Review Procedure, and the Course Sustainability Procedure. Units are reviewed as per the Subject Quality Review Procedure.

10. The Academy determines if professional accreditation for a discipline or course will be sought and/or maintained. The Academy manages the accreditation as per the Professional Accreditation of Courses and/or Disciplines Procedure.

11. Coursework offerings made in collaboration with external partnerships or third-party providers must do so in accordance with the relevant procedures.

Related policy instruments

Academic and Student Delegations Register

Coursework Award Finalisation, Conferral and Issuance Procedure

Coursework Approval Procedures (under development)

Comprehensive Course Review Procedure

Professional Accreditation of Courses and/or Disciplines Procedure

Curriculum Approval, Monitoring, Review and Improvement Procedures



Related documents and legislation

Australian Qualifications Framework

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS)

Committee for Private Education (Singapore)


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Academic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Academic Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academy

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



22-127/06/202201/01/2023Policy established to replace Curriculum Approval, Monitoring, Review and Improvement Policy from 01/01/2023.Directors, Academic Quality and Strategy


Curriculum, approval, monitoring, review, improvement, coursework, accreditation

Contact person

Director, Academic Quality and Strategy