Policy Academic Governance Appendix 1: Criteria for examination

Appendix 1: Criteria for examination

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Higher Doctorate Procedure

Appendix 1: Criteria for examination

1.  The JCU Higher Doctorate is awarded for a substantial, coherent and internationally recognised contribution of distinguished merit adding to the knowledge or understanding of the candidates discipline arising from a body of published work. The candidate must demonstrate a clear and substantial intellectual impact on the field of study.

Eligibility for award of a James Cook University Higher Doctorate will be considered with reference to some or all of the following criteria:1. An international reputation for exceptional research and scholarship as exemplified by a demonstration of sustained, substantial and coherent,  high level achievement of scholarly publications, performances, creative works, citations, invitations to give keynote addresses, success in obtaining research grants, election to learned academics, honorary degrees, awards and prizes. Evidence presented in support of this may include:

  • publication of books and monographs through publishing houses of high national/international reputation;
  • publication of the results of original research and other scholarly endeavours in refereed journals of high international repute;
  • publication of the results of original research and other scholarly endeavours in conference proceedings that are subject to peer review and published through publishing houses of high national/international reputation;
  • publication of reports commissioned by government agencies and international organizations;
  • successful application for patents and licences based on original research and development;
  • original designs and executed structures or instruments which result in high professional standing;
  • experience in leading successful research teams;
  • ability to attract funds from external peer adjudicated grants agencies;
  • demonstrated record of editorial leadership in the dissemination of knowledge;
  • ability to attract funds for contract research from government agencies, industry and commerce;
  • record of achievement in the transfer and application of the results of research and development to industry and commerce, the professions and wider community;
  • leadership in the generation of collaborative research and development programs with other institutions including universities, government agencies, industry and commerce;
  • publication of advanced textbooks in the candidate's field of expertise through publishing houses of high national/international repute;
  • reports on high-level consultancies carried out for industrial and commercial firms.

2.  Professional peer recognition of significant achievements at a national and international level exemplified by leadership of learned societies and exceptional contributions to continuing education and peer review. Evidence presented in support of this may include:

  • high category of membership of professional societies and associations;
  • leadership in professional societies and associations as demonstrated by the holding of executive office;
  • membership of nationally and internationally recognized honorific societies;
  • membership of government advisory bodies, committees of inquiry and boards of management;
  • membership of international delegations in the candidate's area of expertise;
  • invitations to serve as a referee or adjudicator by major national and competitive grant awarding or award-granting schemes or organizations;
  • invitations to serve as external examiner in other higher education institutions;
  • invitations to speak at major international conferences;
  • invitations to serve as visiting Professor in other higher education institutions or as visiting academic in government departments and agencies;
  • invitations to edit special issue journals, books;
  • chair of a major (international) conference;
  • appointments to international journal editorial board

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DVC Research and Innovation

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