Policy Academic Governance HDR Co-funded Stipend Scholarship Procedure

HDR Co-funded Stipend Scholarship Procedure

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HDR Co-Funded Scholarship Procedure


To outline the details of what is allowable in terms of funding sources, and administration of the JCU Co-Funded HDR Stipend Scholarship


This procedure applies to HDR Advisors who wish to seek co-funding from JCU for a HDR Stipend Scholarship, where 50% of the scholarship funds are sourced externally to JCU and are held by the Advisor.


OVERARCHING PRINCIPLE 1: Expand the pool of HDR scholarships to beyond those possible through the RTP block grant.

OVERARCHING PRINCIPLE 2: All researchers seeking HDR scholarship funding are encouraged try to obtain full scholarships from funding bodies/industry partners.  This is the preferred approach as it provides the greatest ability to expand the HDR scholarship pool beyond the limit under RTP funding.

  1. The “JCU Co-funded HDR Stipend Scholarship” (JCU-CFS) provides a living allowance scholarship (including fee sponsorship) of equal value to that of a standard RTP scholarship. Refer to HDR Scholarships page for further information.
  2. The duration of the JCU-CFS will be 3.5 EFTSL for a Doctorate and 2 EFTSL for MPhil.
  3. A JCU-CFS can be approved if 50% of the total costs are contributed by HERDC reportable funding sources from outside of the RTP block grant. Valid sources include industry partner/research end user, ARC Grant, NHMRC Grant, other grant, where only 50% of the funding is available. NOTE: That JCU will fund the other 50% can be indicated in a grant application.
  4. The GRS need to be notified by end October if it is intended a JCU-CFS will commence in the following year, for example if funding has been secured, will be secured, or has been applied for in a grant application.  This requirement allows a planned and budgeted approach to JCU’s contribution. This can be done by emailing grs.staff@jcu.edu.au.
  5. The full amount of external funding must be available or contractually agreed at the commencement of the candidature of the HDR candidate.
  6. The co-funded amount for the term of candidature must sit within a JCU account or be able to be invoiced into a JCU account in such a way that it is available to be paid fortnightly continuously for the duration of the scholarship.  For example, JCU will not be able to administer switching between periods of paying 100% from the RTP or co-funded account to the total amount to suit the funding source.
  7. A candidate who commences on a JCU-CFS is not eligible to apply for a full scholarship in the GRS scholarship round.
  8. The preferred JCU-CFS recipient must meet the admission requirements for their nominated course of enrolment at JCU.
  9. If a full scholarship is obtained via a grant or other valid source, it cannot be split to create two Co-Funded Scholarships.
  10. Once a suitable applicant is identified the advisory panel must provide to grs.staff@jcu.edu.au the following:
    1. JCU account code which holds or will hold the funds
    2. The name of the preferred JCU_CFS recipient
    3. The duration of the scholarship
    4. Confirmation that the funds will be made available for the duration of the JCU-CFS
    5. Confirmation that the candidate has been asked to submit an application via https://www.jcu.edu.au/graduate-research-school/how-to-apply, and is eligible for admission.
  1. This procedure is subject to change, and changes will be communicated via email.

Related policy instruments

RTP Scholarship Policy

2023 Scholarship Scoring Procedure


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Education

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review

April 2023

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-1 12/06/2023 14/06/2023 Amendment to Clause 1 to remove dollar figure, replaced with link to HDR Scholarships page. Policy Officer


31/5/2022 9/6/2022


Manager, Graduate Research School