Admissions Policy

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To specify arrangements for admission to all coursework courses, and for cross-institutional and miscellaneous admission, whether by application through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC), directly to JCU, or through a partner or agent.


This policy applies to admission for domestic and international students to all coursework courses and to cross-institutional and miscellaneous admissions across all JCU campuses.

This policy does not apply to applications for the study of modules or research higher degree awards.


  1. Admission Offers will be made on the basis of fair and consistent decision-making undertaken with integrity and impartiality.
  2. Admission Offers will only be made to applicants who are assessed to have a reasonable expectation of success in the course to which they have applied.
  3. The University is supportive of students under-represented in higher education, from rural or remote locations or at an educational or social disadvantage.
  4. Students are responsible for referencing the Course and Subject Handbook to understand all Handbook Requirements that students must meet to be admitted to, continue or complete their course.


Except where otherwise indicated in this policy, the definitions used in this policy are found in the Policy Glossary or the various Procedures related to this Policy.


  1. Applications will be assessed and Offers of a place will be made only through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC), by an approved Partner, or directly by the University in accordance with the Admissions Procedure, Course Transfer Procedure, Outbound Mobility Procedure and/or Coursework Enrolment Procedure.
  2. Eligibility for an Offer will be determined in accordance with the Admissions Procedure, Course Transfer Procedure and/or Coursework Enrolment Procedure based on merit, perceived probability of success in the course, GS status, and the Entry Requirements.
  3. Eligibility for admission into a course does not guarantee an Offer into a course.
  4. Applicants who are ineligible for the course to which they have applied will be considered for alternative courses where available.
  5. The University may limit the places made available using quotas or other limits in accordance with the Admissions Procedure.
  6. Entry Requirements for international students will not be less than the minimum entry requirements for domestic students.
  7. The University may approve special admission schemes and support affirmative action to address groups of students underrepresented in higher education, to support applicants from rural and remote backgrounds, to provide access to persons who have experienced educational or social disadvantage, or to pursue strategic objectives.
  8. A person who has been suspended or excluded from a course at this or another tertiary educational institution may be refused admission to any course at this University.
  9. An applicant who omits relevant information or provides inaccurate, incomplete, fraudulent, or misleading information or documents will have their Offer or their subsequent admission withdrawn if the circumstances of the information or documents cannot be reasonably explained.
  10. James Cook University reserves the right not to Offer, or to withdraw an Offer, where an Offer was incorrectly made, when an Offer has not been accepted and course availability or entry requirements change, or when the course has been discontinued or suspended.

Related policy instruments

Admissions Procedure

Course and Subject Handbook

Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy

Domestic Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

International Tuition Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

Academic Calendar and Important Dates


Admissions Policy - Schedule II

Related legislation

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Commonwealth)

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

Private Education Act 2009 (Chapter 247A), Singapore

Private Education Regulations 2009, Singapore

Immigration Act (Chapter 133, Section 55(1)) Immigration Regulations 2009, Singapore


Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next review


(Admission Schedule II to be approved by Academic Board; Admission Schedule III to be approved by Education Committee)

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



NANA - administrative amendment07/02/2023Administrative amendments to Approval Details table to update Policy Domain and Policy Sponsor. Amendments are consequential to changes to the organisational structure and Policy Domains as part of the PSC.Policy Officer
19-1 04/11/2019 09/12/2019 Major amendment to separate policy from procedure and establish new procedure. Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information


22/08/2016 23/08/2016

Minor amendments to align with Council approved Academic and Student Delegations Register

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services




Major review undertaken to meet TEQSA obligations satisfy the working requirements of courses delivered at JCU and to align it to the Policy Framework.

Acting Director, Student Services




Roles amended to reflect organisation re-structure

Policy Officer




Amendments to this policy and Schedule I were noted by Academic Board 6/13 11/11/2013 and approved by the Vice-Chancellor 28/2/2014; Implementation 4/03/2014











admissions, suspended, suspension, coursework student, international student, student visa holder, DIAC