Policy Academic Governance Internal Sponsorships and Exemption Procedure

Internal Sponsorships and Exemption Procedure

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The purpose of this procedure is to support the Student Fee Payments and Refund Policy by detailing the management of Internal Sponsorship or Exemption of Tuition Fees with consideration to the Higher Education Support Act 2003.


This procedure applies to internal sponsorships and exemptions across all JCU campuses including JCU Singapore and JCU Brisbane.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy or the Policy Glossary.

Cotutelle - a formal agreement between James Cook University and another university based (usually in another country) that enables a HDR candidate to be enrolled in a higher degree by research at both institutions concurrently, where degree, once completed is granted by both institutions.


1. Exemptions

1.1 Allowable Exemptions for the University are Tuition Fees for International Higher Degree Research Candidates.

1.2 Exemptions will apply for Tuition Fees for up to 2 years full-time equivalent study for Master by Research students and up to 4 years full-time equivalent study for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students.

1.3 Students must meet the following eligibility criteria for this Exemption:

1.3.1 score above the cut-off designated by the delegated committee on the JCU Order of Merit list; or

1.3.2 be the recipient of a competitive stipend scholarship that meets the requirements set by the delegated committee; or

1.3.3 enrolled in a cotutelle degree; or

1.3.4 in receipt of a JCU centrally funded scholarship (including JCUPRS, IRTPS); or

1.3.5 eligible for entry into the course and scholarship funded by another internal or external source e.g., research funds of member/s of the advisory panel, industry funding.

1.4 Students are not required to apply directly for an exemption.

1.5 The Graduate Research School will email the Student Finance and Scholarship Team with an approval from the Dean, Graduate Research to apply the Exemption.

1.6 Where a student’s supervisor is from JCU Singapore, the Graduate Research School will also email the JCU Singapore Finance team via Research support.

1.7 Fee liabilities will be raised to the student’s account and then any Exemption will be applied.

1.8 The Graduate Research School will notify students of the approved Exemption and any conditions the student must meet to retain the Exemption.

2. Internal Sponsorships

2.1 For all internal sponsorship arrangements, a fee liability will be generated on the student’s account before the internal sponsorship is applied.

2.2 The approved Internal Sponsorships for the University are:

2.2.1 JCU Staff Development

2.2.2 Student cohorts for strategic purposes

2.2.3 Enhanced study for Exceptional Secondary School Students.

2.2.4 Individual students for strategic purposes, special circumstances or University error.

2.3 JCU Staff Development

2.3.1 With the exception of 2.3.2 eligibility criteria, application submission and assessment for study assistance must be addressed in accordance with the Staff Study Assistance Procedure.

2.3.2 For academic staff undertaking the Graduate Certificate of Education (Academic Practice) study assistance must be addressed in accordance with the Graduate Certificate of Education (Academic Practice) Internal Sponsorship Policy.

2.4 Student cohort for strategic purposes

2.4.1 Applications to be submitted for individual students via the Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application form.

2.4.2 Applications for multiple students to be as a list attached to the Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application Form.

2.4.3 The Student Finance and Scholarship team will assess applications for eligibility and seek approval where required from the delegated authority

2.4.4 The Student Finance and Scholarships team will apply any sponsorship to the students account and advise the student or requestor the sponsorship has been applied.

2.5 Enhanced study for Exceptional Secondary School Students

2.5.1 Year 11 or 12 students undertaking a JCU subject taught through a secondary school will receive an Internal Sponsorship for 100% of the domestic tuition fee which is equivalent to the non-discounted upfront student contribution amount, funded by the relevant JCU College or Division.

2.5.2 The Internal Sponsorship will be applied by the Student Finance and Scholarships team.

2.6 Individual research or coursework student who is relevant in realizing JCU’s strategic objective

2.6.1 Applications to be submitted via the Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application form.

2.6.2 The Student Finance and Scholarships team will apply any sponsorship to the students account and advise the requestor the sponsorship has been applied.

2.6.3 The relevant College will notify students of the approved Internal Sponsorship and any conditions the student must meet to retain the Internal Sponsorship.

2.7 Individual research student exceeding candidature period limits

2.7.1 JCU may offer Internal Sponsorship of Tuition Fees for 2 years full-time equivalent study for Master by Research students and 4 years full-time equivalent study for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students.

2.7.2 Applications to be submitted via the Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application form. The College must attach a report that outlines either: issues relating to the College’s provision of the student’s supervision, including findings of an internal review and plans to overcome the issue/s; or issues relating to a University problem that has occurred and the impact it had on the student’s ability to complete within the normal candidature period.

2.7.3 The Student Finance and Scholarship team will review applications for eligibility.

2.7.4 The Student Finance and Scholarships team will apply any sponsorship to the students account and advise the College the sponsorship has been applied.

2.7.5 The relevant College will notify students of the approved Internal Sponsorship and any conditions the student must meet to retain the Internal Sponsorship.

2.8 Individual students for special circumstances or University error

2.8.1 Special circumstances will generally relate to compassionate events or experiences or university error.

2.8.2 Applications to be submitted via the Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application form.

2.8.3 The Student Finance and Scholarship Team will: identify if the application could be considered in breach of HESA obligations; and regarding special circumstances seek approval from the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Education; or regarding university error seek approval from the Director, Student Services for amounts up to $2,000 per student or seek approval from the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Education for amounts above $2,000 per student. The Student Finance and Scholarship Team will notify students of the approved Internal Sponsorship and any conditions the student must meet to retain the Internal Sponsorship.

Related policy instruments

Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy

Graduate Certificate of Education (Academic Practice) Internal Sponsorship Policy

Staff Study Assistance Procedure

Tuition Fee Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Application

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Commonwealth)

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Student Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Updated procedure for audit review recommendations.

Movement of some definitions/clauses regarding business rules to Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy.

Update to style, format and language for consistency across the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy suite.

Manager, Student Finance and Scholarships




Procedure established in conjunction with establishment of the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy and disestablishment of the Tuition Fee - Internal Sponsorship and Exemption Policy

Manager Student Finance and Examinations


sponsorship, exempt, exemption, waive, tuition

Contact person

Manager, Student Finance and Scholarships