Policy Corporate Governance Administration of Convocation Procedure

Administration of Convocation Procedure

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This procedure describes the administrative arrangements for the James Cook University’s (JCU) Convocation and should be read in conjunction with the Convocation Policy.


This procedure applies to all members and activities associated with the JCU Convocation.


Except as otherwise specified below, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are as per the Convocation Policy. Other terms used in this procedure may also be found in the Policy Glossary.

Communication: includes electronic communication.

Mailing address: includes an electronic mailing address.

Roll of Convocation Members

All JCU graduates, recipients of honorary awards, Council members and those individuals who are invited to join by the Council will automatically become members of the Convocation and will be added to the roll of the Convocation unless they decide to opt-out and become an inactive member. Academic, and professional and technical staff need to opt-in by making a request to be added to the roll of Convocation following receipt of the invitation to join after being employed by the University for at least two years continuously.

The Office of Engagement will maintain a roll of Convocation members containing the following information about each member -

  1. full name;
  2. date of birth;
  3. a current mailing address;
  4. whether the member is an active or inactive member;
  5. the year they graduated or joined Convocation; and
  6. any other information, as applicable.

All personal information will be held in accordance with the University’s Information Privacy Policy and Information Privacy Statement - Collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

Active and Inactive Members

  1. A member of the Convocation will be recorded in the roll as either active or inactive.
  2. A member will be recorded as an inactive member if -
  3. the member advises the University that they do not wish to be an active member by way of a notice to that effect; or
  4. a notice is sent to the mailing address of a member and the University receives a communication that the notice has not been received; or
  5. a current mailing address is not known.
  6. If the member is not inactive they will be recorded as an active member.
  7. The University must vary the status of an inactive member on the roll if the member provides notification that they wish to be recorded as an active member to alumni@jcu.edu.au.


Any member of the Convocation may resign from membership by providing an electronic notice to alumni@jcu.edu.au.

Related policy instruments

Convocation Policy


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainCouncil Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established.

University Secretary



Contact person

University Secretary