Policy University Management Conjoint Appointment Procedure

Conjoint Appointment Procedure

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The purpose of this procedure is to set out the process for appointing conjoint appointments.


JCU recognises that conjoint appointments may be made where JCU is the primary employer and where the Conjoint is employed externally to JCU by an affiliate organisation/s.

This procedure supports appointments where the Conjoint is employed externally to JCU.

This procedure does not apply to JCU staff members even where the staff member may have a fractional conjoint arrangement with another organisation/s.  Where a JCU staff member is covered by a JCU employment contract, that contract will prevail.


Except as otherwise specified in this procedure, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are as per the Human Resources Policy Glossary.


Conjoint appointments enable links between Learning and Teaching (L&T) and/or Research at JCU and other organisations with mutually beneficial interests and aspirations.  Examples include Conjoint appointments at JCU and one of its partner Hospital and Health Services, and at JCU and the Department of Education.  These Conjoint appointments provide perspective and connection that work to strengthen JCU’s local communities.


Conjoint appointments are underwritten by a formal agreement between JCU and (an) affiliate organisation(s). All parties must adhere to the agreement.  Where there may be inconsistency between this Procedure and a formal agreement, the formal agreement shall apply.

Approval Process

An individual may be required to make an initial application (including copy of their Curriculum Vitae - CV) to be a Conjoint through the appropriate selection process conducted with the relevant JCU Division and (an) affiliate organisation(s).  Conjoint Appointees will be appointed by JCU in accordance with any applicable formal agreement (and associated schedule) with (an) affiliate organisation(s) and the following requisite Approval Process.

Following finalisation of any applicable formal agreement (and associated schedule), the relevant JCU Work Unit will complete a JCU Conjoint Appointment Form and Academic Duty Descriptor that overviews the position and details the position accountabilities.

The appropriate Conjoint level will be applied as per the Honorary Appointments Policy Schedule 2 Classification Standards – Conjoint Appointments.

Conjoint appointments classified at levels up to and including Conjoint Associate Professor will be approved by the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC).  Conjoint Appointments at the level of Conjoint Professor will be approved by the Vice Chancellor.

The terms and conditions of the Conjoint Appointment, including the timeframe of the appointment will be stated in the formal agreement and the associated schedules attached to the agreement.

The Conjoint Appointee will be provided with access to the relevant JCU resources in accordance with the approved requirements for the appointment.

Where a Conjoint Appointee is to be extended or reappointed, the relevant Work Unit is responsible for seeking approval from the applicable Delegate(s). A new schedule will be completed and approved along with a further Conjoint Appointment Form.


The relevant Work Unit is responsible for managing Conjoint appointments as per the applicable formal agreement and associated schedule.

The relevant Work Unit will be responsible for issuing the Conjoint Appointee a Letter of Appointment per the applicable HR template.

Following Appointee acceptance, the requisite documentation is to be remitted to HR via Service Now to be recorded in the JCU HR System. This includes copies of any applicable formal agreement (and associated schedule), Academic Duty Descriptor, Conjoint Appointment Form and Letter of Appointment.

Where a Conjoint Appointee is reappointed a further Letter of Appointment is to be issued and forwarded to HR via Service Now with the requisite documentation.

The relevant Work Unit is responsible for notifying HR of any changes to Conjoint appointments, including cessation of appointment.


Subject to meeting the requisite criteria for the level to which promotion is aspired, a Conjoint Appointee may apply for promotion.

The Conjoint Appointee is required to submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the relevant Head of Work Unit along with a written document addressing how they meet the criteria for the level they are seeking promotion to and details of their contributions to JCU.

1.  Promotion to sub-Professorial levels (levels B, C and D)

In response to the application, the DVC may convene and Chair a Promotion Panel to consider applications for promotion to levels B, C and D.

The Head of Work Unit will make a recommendation to the relevant DVC for promotions to levels B, C and D in accordance with Panel deliberations.

The relevant DVC will consider the Panel’s recommendations and determine whether the application for promotion is successful.

2.  Promotion to Professorial level (level E)

The DVC will consider the application and make a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for promotions to level E.

The Vice Chancellor will consider the DVC’s recommendation and determine whether the application for promotion is successful.

Related Policy Instruments

Honorary Appointments Policy

Volunteers Group Personal Accident Insurance | General Information



NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

University Management

Policy DomainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-115/02/202315/02/2023Minor amendment to procedure to remove Provost position and reassign responsibilities to align with current organisational structure.Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy




Procedure established to support the requirements outlined in the Honorary Appointments Policy.

Manager Industrial Relations and Policy


Honorary appointments, Conjoint, Volunteer

Contact person

Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy