Policy University Management Honorary Appointments Policy

Honorary Appointments Policy

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James Cook University (JCU) recognises and acknowledges individuals in the broader community who have a close and ongoing association with and contribute significantly to University operations and the achievement of JCU’s Strategic Intent and University Plan. Honorary Appointments enrich both student and Staff experiences by contributing toward the achievement of JCU’s Learning and Teaching (L&T) and Research outcomes.


This policy applies to all Adjunct Appointees, Full Academic Title Honorary Appointees, Conjoint Appointees, Vice Chancellor’s Fellow Appointees, and Visiting Scholar Appointees.


For a comprehensive list of definitions, please refer to the Human Resources Policy Glossary.


Honorary appointments recognise associations between individuals with particular expertise and Divisions, Colleges, Institutes, Directorates or Centres within the University.

The University has extensive links to individuals with particular expertise, including from other institutions both within Australia and overseas, and in myriad disciplinary fields and areas of interest.  These individuals provide valuable input into the development and delivery of JCUs L&T and Research programs. This input ensures that JCU remains relevant to current practice, and the exposure additionally enriches the L&T experiences of students and Staff alike.

1. Classification Levels

1.1  Classification Levels for Academic Adjuncts, Professional/Clinical Adjuncts and Full Academic Title Honorary Appointments

Honorary Appointments are classified into different levels in recognition of the variations in experience and qualifications of Appointees. The classification levels and the commensurate skills base are listed in Schedule 1 – Classification Standards – Adjunct / Full Academic Title.  All Adjunct appointments and Honorary Appointments which bestow a Full Academic Title will be made under the Adjunct and Full Academic Title Appointment Procedure and Schedule 1.

Full Academic Title Honorary Appointees currently work in a health professional role and are actively engaged in/or plan to become engaged in support of JCU.

1.2  Classification Levels for Conjoint Appointments

Conjoint Appointments are also classified into different levels according to the qualifications and experience of the Appointee.  The classification levels and the commensurate skills base are listed in Schedule 2 – Classification Standards – Conjoint Appointments. All Conjoint appointments will be made under the Conjoint Appointment Procedure.

2. Types of Academic Work

Honorary appointees are expected to contribute on a significant, regular and ongoing basis to one or more of the following types of Academic work:

  • Teaching;
  • Collaborative research;
  • Supervision of HDR Students;
  • Strategic engagement;
  • Strategic Leadership;
  • Staff and student consultations.

3. Visiting Scholars

A Visiting Scholar is an honorary appointment made to an Academic Staff Member and/or a PhD student outside of Australia who undertakes an intensive period of Learning and Teaching or Research on behalf of and/or in collaboration with JCU, while in Australia.  Visiting Scholars retain the formal title by which they are referred outside of Australia (e.g. if a Visiting Scholar’s title is Professor outside of Australia, the Scholar will retain the title Professor for the duration of their honorary appointment at JCU).

The process through which Visiting Scholars are appointed is governed by the Appointment of Visiting Scholars Procedure.

4. Vice Chancellor’s Fellow

Vice Chancellor’s Fellow is an Honorary appointee (e.g. an Adjunct, Full Academic Title Honorary Appointee, Conjoint,; and/or Visiting Scholar Appointee), who is additionally appointed by the Vice Chancellor to play a particular thought leadership role in an area of strategic importance for the University.

The criteria and process for appointing a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow is outlined in the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow Procedure.

5. Intellectual Property

Research and consulting activities carried out under the auspices of the University will generally be governed by the same rules that apply to full-time Academic Staff.

Ownership of intellectual property will be negotiated on a case by case basis, with consideration given to the University's Intellectual Property Policy.

6. Insurances

All Honorary Appointees whilst engaged in activities on behalf of or under the control of the University are covered by JCU insurances listed below.

6.1 Public Liability Insurance

This provides for all sums where JCU becomes legally liable to pay compensation for third party injury or property damage, as a result of an occurrence and happening in connection with University business.

6.2 Personal Accident Insurance

This provides cover for Honorary Appointees whilst engaged on University business, including direct travel to and from such activities. It should be noted however that medical expenses are not covered. The use of a private vehicle may also result in the Honorary Appointee not being covered.

6.3 Corporate Travel Insurance

This provides cover for honorary appointees when undertaking authorised business travel on behalf of JCU or its subsidiaries.

For further information regarding insurance cover please refer to at Financial and Business Services web site.

6.4 Workers’ Compensation

Honorary appointees are not normally covered by WorkCover.

6.5 Health Insurance

A visitor from outside of Australia must ensure they have appropriate health insurance arrangements in line with the conditions of their visa as stipulated by the Department of Home Affairs.

7. Immigration and Visas

The Honorary Appointee must have the appropriate working rights where there could be an option of paid employment by the University.

Visiting Scholars from overseas will require an appropriate visa prior to commencing with the University.

8. Access to Services and Resources

All Honorary Appointees will be allocated a JCU email address and JCU Library access.  Depending on the arrangement, additional support and resources may be provided at the discretion of the Dean/Director.

9. Induction and Training

All Honorary Appointees must complete an Induction and undertake any requisite JCU mandatory training.

10. Limitations

Honorary Appointees are not eligible to vote in any University election and shall not be members of any academic group or operational group unless a special resolution is approved by the particular Division on the recommendation of the appropriate Deputy Vice Chancellor or, in the case of the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow, approved by the Vice Chancellor.

Appointees who by virtue of their association with the University are successful in gaining research funding shall be required to direct such funds through the University.

Honorary titles, excluding Full Academic Title Honorary Appointees, shall not be used outside of University related business viz appointees should not use a University title in their normal professional capacity but limit their usage to involvement in University activities.

11. Compensation and Financial implications

Honorary appointments are, for the most part, voluntary in nature.  Honorary Appointees may, on a limited case-by-case basis, be nominally compensated from funds generated by Research and/or Consulting work.

In the event of an Honorary Appointee securing continuing or regular and consistent fixed term or casual employment, with the University:

  • The Honorary appointment shall automatically end; and
  • The classification level at which the Honorary appointment was made shall not be a factor in determining the salary rate; and
  • The classification level at which the Honorary appointment was made shall not be a factor in determining the level at which continuing, fixed term or casual employment is offered.

Australia has reciprocal tax agreements with a number of countries which enable citizens of those countries to apply for tax exemption while earning income in Australia. Agreements and requirements vary from country to country and are not blanket agreements but are subject to individual application and assessment. Arrangements therefore need to be finalised before the Visiting Scholar's arrival. The Visiting Scholar is responsible for obtaining exemption from the Australian Taxation Office. Further details are available from the Australian Taxation Office.

Honorary Appointees from countries with which Australian does not have a reciprocal tax agreement will be taxed as a non-resident.

12. Cessation of Appointment

The University may, at any time, and without giving reason, end an Honorary appointment.

Related Policy Instruments

Schedule 1 – Classification Standards – Adjunct / Full Academic Title

Schedule 2 – Classification Standards – Conjoint Appointments

Adjunct and Full Academic Title Honorary Appointments Procedure

Appointment of Visiting Scholar Procedure

Conjoint Appointment Procedure

Vice Chancellor’s Fellow Procedure

Other Related Documents

Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure

Honorary Induction checklist


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources.

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Policy established to outline requirements for appointment of individuals to honorary positions.

Manager Industrial Relations and Policy


Honorary Appointments, Adjunct, Full Academic Title, Conjoint, Vice Chancellor’s Fellows and Visiting Scholars.

Contact person

Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy