Policy University Management Performance, Development and Planning Procedure

Performance, Development and Planning Procedure

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This Procedure operationalises the framework for the management of Staff performance, development and recognition under the Performance, Development and Recognition Policy.


This Procedure applies to all Staff covered by the James Cook University (JCU) Enterprise Agreement.

This Procedure does not apply to Staff on probation and does not cover improving and managing Staff underperformance.


For a comprehensive list of definitions, please refer to the Human Resources Policy Glossary.


1. Introduction

JCU is committed to enabling effective, sustainable performance by all Staff to support the achievement of JCU’s Corporate Strategy, to enhance workplace engagement and to advance and support career progression and professional development.  This commitment is supported by the Performance, Development and Recognition Policy and related procedures, programs, and initiatives throughout the Employee Lifecycle.

The ongoing process of Performance Development and Planning provides a framework to encourage regular two-way interactions between Staff and Supervisors/Leaders, which should focus on the progress made towards intended career aspirations, role priorities and support requirements.  It also facilitates an increased opportunity for enhancing collaboration, performance and wellbeing conversations, as well as growing a values-based culture.

The aim of an ongoing process of Performance Development and Planning to create a Plan, which the Staff Member and their Supervisor can regularly refer to and revise to ensure consistent communication and understanding.

2. Timeframe

2.1 The Performance Development and Planning process is cyclical to enable the provision of structured guidance and support, as needed, within the following suggested timelines (per the relevant Work Unit’s operational planning activities and applicable timelines):

  • December to March – Formal development of a Plan, the purpose of which is to accurately reflect and ensure agreed understanding as to an individual’s performance, achievement(s), growth and development. It is expected that a cascade approach will be used for completion of Performance Development Plans i.e., Supervisors should complete their own Plan before they develop a Plan with their Staff Members to ensure overall alignment of outcomes.
  • By the end of March each year, all Staff Members are to have finalised a Performance Development Plan, which is linked to the outcomes of JCU’s Corporate Strategy and priorities.
  • April to November – Regular two-way interactions (i.e., communication by various means, such as discussion, email, Zoom, MS Teams messaging, phone) between the Staff Member and their Supervisor, with the option to update and use the Plan as a collaborative record that ensures consistency and understanding of evolving priorities.

3. Procedural Steps

The Procedural Steps of ongoing Performance Development and Planning include:

3.1 Reflect (Looking back)

a. Review of the Staff Member’s role and/or responsibilities, including role priorities and deliverables as aligned to both Work Unit outcomes and JCU’s Corporate Strategy;

b. Review of any prior documented interactions between Staff Member and Supervisor/Leader as applicable;

c. Evaluation of past performance and achievements against previously determined outcomes relative to opportunity, that is, in the context of career and life opportunities and experiences, including, where relevant, significant career interruptions;

d. Critical and reinforcing feedback and coaching as applicable on any specific areas that might benefit from development and further support; and

e. Positive acknowledgement of performance and achievements.

3.2 Plan (Future focused)

a. Careful assessment of both current and future workload, with due consideration afforded to achievement relative to opportunity, whilst ensuring role clarity;

b. Consideration of the relevant Work Unit’s workforce planning, including overall capacity and skill requirements, leave planning and development opportunities;

c. Updates (as applicable) to role priorities and deliverables as aligned to Work Unit outcomes and JCU’s Corporate Strategy.  Outcomes and expectations should be clearly identified using Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) criteria; and

d. Proactive Planning around short- and long-term career aspirations (including Promotion), growth and developmental opportunities.

3.3 Discuss (regular conversations)

a. Opportunities created to revise and update and use the Performance Development Plan to ensure consistent communication and understanding between Staff and Supervisor; and

b. Consideration be given as to how best to facilitate and provide the desired level of support and ongoing role clarity through regular two-way interactions.

4. Outcome: A Performance Development Plan

4.1 The above Procedure reinforces the alignment between the process, Work Unit outcomes and JCU’s Corporate Strategy. This ensures that the trajectory of individual growth and career aspirations support JCU’s strategic and operational objectives.  The outcome of this ongoing process of cyclical Performance Development and Planning includes an annual Performance Development Plan (the Plan) to be completed by the end of March each year.

4.2 The Plan facilitates regular, two-way, mutual interactions between each Staff Member and their Supervisor and is a tool that all parties can regularly refer to, revise, and use to ensure consistent communication and understanding.  The Plan holistically focuses on a Staff Member’s overall wellbeing, ensuring role clarity, ongoing contributions towards performance and achievements and their career aspirations.

4.3 The Plan is to be signed by both the Staff Member and Supervisor and saved in the required system.

5. Unsatisfactory Performance

Where, during the Performance Development and Planning process, it is established that informal mechanisms, including (but not limited to) meeting notes, email exchanges, the completion of training courses, guidance, mentoring or counselling sessions, have not resulted in desired performance outcomes, the Performance Development and Planning process will be paused and the Improving and Managing Unsatisfactory Performance process will begin. The Performance Development and Planning process will not resume until the Staff Member’s performance is satisfactory.

6.  Probationary Staff

JCU has a separate Academic Staff Probation Procedure and Professional and Technical Staff Probation Procedure. Once employment is confirmed, this Performance Development and Planning Procedure applies.

7. Responsibilities

7.1 The Supervisor is responsible for:

a. Initiating and ensuring an ongoing process of cyclical planning every year for each Staff Member;

b. Facilitating and encouraging ongoing, regular interactions between Staff and themselves regarding performance and achievement expectations, and growth and development opportunities;

c. Consulting with Staff to ensure SMART criteria are used to define expectations and deliverables as aligned to both Work Unit outcomes and JCU’s Corporate Strategy;

d. Discussing current and future workload and contributions on an ongoing basis, including the identification and clarification of any concerns and/or challenges; and

e. Encouraging and supporting professional learning and growth opportunities including promotion and other career development initiatives.

7.2 The Staff Member is responsible for:

a. Participating in and, at times, initiating ongoing, regular interactions with their Supervisor/Leader regarding performance and achievement expectations, and growth and development opportunities;

b. Consulting with their Supervisor/Leader in the annual, ongoing process of cyclical Performance Development and Planning and the creation of the Plan;

c. Proactively seeking advice and expressing constructive views about any aspect of work, including and not limited to current and future workload and contributions, performance and achievements, growth and development, career advancement, and any concerns and/or challenges.

Related policy instruments

Performance Development and Recognition Policy

Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy

Academic Promotions Procedure

Improving and Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Procedure

Academic Staff Probation Procedure

Professional and Technical Staff Probation Procedure

James Cook University Enterprise Agreement

Relative Opportunity and Performance Evidence Guidelines (ROPE)

JCU Corporate Strategy




NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

University Management

Policy Domain

Human Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date





New procedure established.

Organisational Development Specialist


commencement, probation, performance, development, Enterprise Agreement

Contact person

Manager, Organisational Development and Equity