Professional Experience Placement Placement Requirements Queensland Health Pre-Placement Requirements

Queensland Health Pre-Placement Requirements

All students must complete orientation before commencing a placement within a Queensland Health facility.

You  MUST complete/provide evidence of the following before the commencement of your placement:

  1. Queensland Health iLearn Modules
  2. Queensland Health Student Deed Poll
  3. Queensland Health Student Orientation Checklist

and any other training and documentation relevant to your discipline or specific placement.

Students are required to complete relevant mandatory training listed in the Mandatory Training HR G6 Policy for Department of Health employees as part of the Department of Health - Mandatory training requirements standard through iLearn before commencement as detailed in the following table:

iLearn Module


First-Response Evacuation Instructions (FREI)

Annually (30-minute duration)

Code of Conduct

Annually (20 minutes duration)

Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)

once only (20 minutes duration)

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Induction

once only (20 minutes duration)

Public Interest Disclosure (PID)

every 2 years (30 minutes duration)

Occupational Violence Orientation (awareness only)

once only (5 minutes duration)

Student Nurse ieMR iLearn Module

This course has been designed for Student Nurses to introduce Cerner's PowerChart application and the ieMR (the patients integrated electronic medical record). All students are required to complete Student Nurse ieMR WBT iLearn module annually from the commencement of the programme.

Please access your Queensland Health iLearn account (see the Queensland Health Placements tab for information on registering for iLearn if you do not already have an existing account).

Once you log in, use the Search for Courses option at the top of the page, search for (MSHHS-C) Student Nurse ieMR WBT. Click on the course to bring up the course details, and then click on Launch Course to start.

Nursing Students

The link for the Student Nurse module is:

Midwifery Students

The link for the Student Midwife module is:

Using the Table of Contents listed on the screen's left-hand side, please complete the following sections - Introduction, Getting Started, Orientation & Navigation, Basic Admission, Obs & Sign Off, Documentation and Sign off Discharge and Appendix 3: Specimen Collection.

Once the above sections are completed click into End of Course and enter your name for the certificate, then click into the Certificate section and print this off. If you don't get the option to print from this screen, go to your iLearn Certificates page, and you should be able to locate the Student Nurse ieMR Certificate saved here and print it. Certificate Example

In addition to completing the above training, you must watch a related video on Managing Deterioration.

Additional mandatory training to be completed on commencement at the facility includes:

  • General Evacuation Instructions
  • Infection Prevention and Control.
  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Practice Program is offered face-to-face and is not currently available in iLearn.

Please note, that there may be additional local requisites or essential mandatory training to undertake as directed by the placement supervisor/line manager.

For students enrolled in Australian education facilities preparing for clinical placement the link is as follows, Preparing for your clinical placement | Queensland Health.

On completion tick all of the mandatory orientation boxes on the QH Orientation Check List.

Print the applicable certificates and retain a copy for your placement professional portfolio as you may need to present them to your placement supervisor.

The Queensland Health Deed Poll is a legal agreement between the student and Queensland Health. It must be completed by students before commencing placement within a Hospital and Health Service facility.

To be submitted to not earlier than 6 weeks prior to your Placement commencement date.

Read and complete QH Student Deed Poll

Page 1:

  • Section “Student” – Enter your name.
  • Section” HHS” – Enter the Hospital and Health Service (HHS) of your confirmed placement location. View the map of Queensland Health Hospital and Health Services to identify your placement location and its corresponding HHS.
  • Education Provider: James Cook University - ABN 46 253 211 955


Page 8:

  • Your signature must be witnessed. The Witness could be anyone over the age of 18.
  • All signatures and dates must be entered as required. All sections must be completed.
  • The signature date must be current and relevant to the period of the placement.

Please download, complete, sign, and email QH Student Deed Form (all 8 Pages) to and retain a copy with your Student Orientation Checklist, for your placement professional portfolio/resources for placement.

Download the Queensland Health Student Orientation Checklist.

You must keep a copy of this completed checklist. You will need to provide it to your Queensland Health supervisor.

Example of a correctly completed Student Orientation Checklist

Please tick every box on pages 1 and 2 (even if the document does not apply to you) to acknowledge that you have read and understood all of the potential Queensland Health placement requirements.

Legal Checks

Your National Police Certificate will expire 3 years after it was issued.

Your Working with Children check (blue card) will have the expiry date on the card.

You will only require the other checks if your placement locations request them.

Immunisation evidence and infection prevention

To complete this section, you will need your JCU Health Record and Immunisation Form or your Australian Government Immunisation History statement.

You need to supply the dates of your vaccinations or in the comments section write ‘” Immunity confirmed by serology on dd/mm/yr”.

If you have a current mask fit test certificate you need to record the brand, model and size of the mask you have successfully tested.

Under Other vaccinations, we suggest you record your Influenza vaccination and/or your COVID vaccinations.

Online learning/orientation modules

On completion of all your iLearn modules, tick all of the mandatory orientation boxes on the QH Orientation Checklist.


Read and tick all boxes.


Enter all required information and date.

Then email your Student Orientation Checklist and your module training certificates to for recording.

Allied Health Students must complete Steps 1 and 2 according to the instructions on the website Clinical placement information for allied health students. When completed you then fill in the Record of Allied Health Student Training as evidence of completion.

Please send the completed Record of Allied Health Student Training form to and retain a copy for your placement portfolio.

This course has been designed for Medical Students to introduce Cerner's PowerChart application and ieMR (patient's Integrated electronic medical records). Students will be required to refresh this module annually.

Please access your Queensland Health iLearn account (see the Queensland Health placements tab for information on registering for iLearn if you do not already have an existing account).

Once you log in, use the Search for Courses option at the top of the page, and search for 'Student Medical Officer ieMR WBT'. Click on the course to bring up the course details, and then click on Launch Course to start.

Once the module is completed click on End of Course and into the Certificate section to print your ieMR Certificate. Please email this certificate to

This course has been designed for Student Nurses to introduce Cerner's PowerChart application and the ieMR (the patients integrated electronic medical record).  All students are required to complete Student Nurse ieMR WBT iLearn module annually from the commencement of the programme.

Please access your Queensland Health iLearn account (see the Queensland Health Placements tab for information on registering for iLearn if you do not already have an existing account).

Once you log in, use the Search for Courses option at the top of the page, search for (MSHHS-C) Student Nurse ieMR WBT. Click on the course to bring up the course detailsand then click on Launch Course to start.

Nursing Students

The link for the Student Nurse module is:

Midwifery Students

The link for the Student Midwife module is:

Using the Table of Contents listed on the screen's left-hand side, please complete the following sections - Introduction, Getting Started, Orientation & Navigation, Basic Admission, Obs & Sign Off, Documentation and Sign off Discharge and Appendix 3: Specimen Collection.  This is an interactive training module, and you will be required to carry out instructions as you progress through the different sections.

Once the above sections are completed click into End of Course and enter your name for the certificate, then click into the Certificate section and print this off.  If you don't get the option to print from this screen, go to your iLearn Certificates page, and you should be able to locate the Student Nurse ieMR Certificate saved here and print it.  Certificate Example

In addition to completing the above training, you must watch a related video on Managing Deterioration.

Once you have completed both tasks, please email a scanned copy of the Student Nurse ieMR Certificate to the Professional Experience Placement Unit and save the original with your other placement documents.

All JCU students attending placement at Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service are required to submit additional pre-placement requirements.

Please ensure you read the information on the following website:  Student Placement Hub | Queensland Health

Pre-placement requirements.

All additional  Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service documents must be  submitted to and

Please retain copies of all PPR documents for your professional portfolio. You must take all your pre-placement documents with you as you need to demonstrate compliance on the first day of placement. This includes Police Check, Blue Card, JCU Health and Immunisation Form (including serology reports you may have), TB Risk Assessment form, CPR Certificate, and all iLearn certificates. All documents must be current.

Contact the Student Hub

If you have any questions about our student placements, you can email the Student Hub at

Important:  Only to be completed by students allocated to a Torres & Cape Hospital &  Health Service (TCHHS) placement.  Students who are allocated a TCHHS placement will receive an email outlining instruction for additional requirements.

Influenza Vaccination - students must have the current influenza vaccination. Please submit evidence to the above-mentioned email addresses.

COVID-19 Vaccination - students attending placement at Cooktown Multi-purpose Health Service or Weipa Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination by the 16 September 2021.

TCHHS Student Orientation Self Direct Learning Package -  you will receive instructions on how to complete this.

Students will also be required to include copies of the below QLD Health requirements, which should have already been completed.

  • QLD Working with Children Blue Card - email a scanned copy of your card
  • Immunisation Evidence - email a scanned copy of your JCU Health & Immunisation record
  • QLD Health documents - Student Deed Poll, Student Orientation Checklist and the five OH&S module certificates from iLearn
  • First Aid & CPR
  • Hand Hygiene Certificate
  • Tuberculosis -  Students must use the most recent  QLD Health TB Self Assessment form (released 2019).  If you had subsequent TB testing or vaccination e.g Mantoux, please supply this with the Self Assessment form.

Please attach all documents to one email and submit to and the Professional Experience Placement Unit

The Townsville Hospital and Health Service (THHS) require all students doing a placement at any of the THHS facilities, including regional hospitals and community health centres to complete Fire & Evacuation training.

When undertaking a placement at the Townsville University Hospital, please complete training for the Main Hospital Building (Ground Level, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) and Townsville Rehabilitation Unit (TRU). This certification is only valid for 12 months. If completing a placement at any of the other THHS facilities, please complete the training applicable to that facility.

THHS Fire and Emergency Response Training (You must use your JCU email address to create your account).

If you require assistance to complete the training, please refer to the Fire and Emergency Response Training User Guide

Please provide a copy of the certificate to the Professional Experience Placement Unit. Retain a copy of the certificate in your professional portfolio


Townsville University Hospital’s Infection Control team will begin administering vaccinations  for Influenza and COVID19 from early April 2025.

This initiative supports a safe and healthy environment for both students and patients during clinical placements and provides an excellent opportunity for students to stay up to date with their immunisations.

Students who wish to take advantage of this service can contact the team directly at to arrange their vaccination.

All students (except Mental Health in Community) are asked to meet 15 minutes before the commencement of their first shift, at the front entrance to the Education Unit (K Block, near the entrance to the Emergency Dept. First floor of the JCU building). Students should be provided with their roster when initial placement information is sent by the facility.  Full JCU uniform and ID badge is to be worn.  

MENTAL HEALTH: Those who are in the Mental Health Inpatient Unit at the Mackay Base Hospital, are to meet at the Education Unit (as above). The Early shift is 0700-1530hrs, afternoon shift 1430-2300hrs. Students are to meet 15 minutes before the commencement of their first shift. Students are to wear their University uniform. Those in Community Mental Health are to meet at the Community office in Nelson Street, by 0745hrs as their shift is from 0800-1630hrs.  Students will be met at the front entrance of the office by a Clinical Facilitator and escorted to their department.  

UNIFORM: Students are to wear appropriate neat casual clothes – no high hems or low necklines and closed-in shoes.  

ADDITIONAL REQUIRMENTS: All students going to Mackay Base Hospital are to provide the following documents at least one week prior to their placement:

1. Student Passport size photo

2. Student Deed Poll

3. Evidence of immunisation status

4. Tuberculosis self-assessment and Mantoux test if applicable. TB self-assessment must be sighted and signed by your GP or the GP nurse.

5. My Learn modules as requested by facility.

All above documents to be emailed to: and cc to

If you would like any further information about Queensland Health pre-placement requirements you may wish to refer to these Queensland Health websites:

Prepare for your Queensland Health placement

Documents for your Queensland Health placement

Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland (AHPOQ) student training requirements