QRC-PVD Clinical Trial - Brief Behavioural Counselling Intervention for Peripheral Artery Disease (BIP)

This study involves health workers delivering brief behavioural counselling sessions with an aim to improve self-management of patients with blocked leg arteries. The results of this study will help develop new treatments, increase understanding of the condition and improve healthcare.

Recruitment status

BIP: Recruitment closed

Ethics Approval

Human Research Ethics Approval HERC/14/QRBW/60

Participants will have an initial health check-up to discuss their diet, physical activity, and health and medical history. They will then have four sessions with a health practitioner over six months. Participants will then have another health check-up after they've finished their four sessions and have an annual health check in the following two years.

Initial visits

Health check-up:

  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Health and medical history

1-2 hours

Week 1 Face to face session or phone call with health professional 10-60 minutes
Week 2 Face to face session or phone call with health professional 10-60 minutes
Week 6 Phone call with health professional 10-15 minutes
Week 12 Phone call with health professional 10-15 minutes
4 months

Health check-up:

  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Health and medical history

1-2 hours

12 months

Health check-up:

  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Health and medical history

1-2 hours

24 months

Health check-up:

  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Health and medical history

1-2 hours

The data collected from this study is still being analysed. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journal articles and communicated to participants.