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Bachelor of Business Kickstart your career with real-world industry experience and knowledge across the business sphere. Be ready today for tomorrow by learning how to analyse current trends to predict future priorities. Pursue profit and manage loss by developing effective strategies that are fit-for-purpose and unique to a business’s needs. Become a professional who can lead an organisation, support its strategy and innovate its operations.;Elevate your skills to excel in business with real-world industry
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Online, Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane
Bachelor of Commerce Boost your employability with JCU Commerce. Get a head start with tailored industry experience and build your network through practical learning opportunities. In assisting individuals at tax time or navigating trade with international businesses, your studies will equip you with the knowledge and skills to drive success in a diverse career.;Launch yourself into the dynamic world of commerce, specialising in fields like accounting, economics, financial markets, money management and
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Online, Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane
Bachelor of Marine Science Explore dynamic marine and coastal systems with Marine Science. Develop expertise in seabed mapping and fish assessment sonar, oceanographic sensors and other marine technologies. Gain valuable, hands-on experience through fieldwork at JCU’s Orpheus Island Research Station and on various coral reefs along the Great Barrier Reef.;Immerse yourself in marine biology and coastal systems with JCU's Bachelor of Marine Science. Build expertise in seabed mapping, sonar tracking and more.;Immerse
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Townsville
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Science Build your capacity for critical analysis and develop a strong knowledge and skill base across the arts and sciences. Select majors and electives that align with your interests, preparing you for diverse career opportunities. Develop practical skills for real-world research as well as advanced communication skills applicable to various arts, humanities and scientific fields.;Combine your knowledge of society and cultures with scientific principles to better understand the connections between
Duration: 4 years full-time
Location: Townsville, Cairns
Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Laws Explore the intersection of science and law as you examine the foundations of interdisciplinary fields such as environmental law, bioethics and sustainability policies. Benefit from hands-on experience in research locations within the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest, along with professional placements in the legal industry. You'll graduate eligible for admission to practise law in Queensland and your interdisciplinary experience will empower you to embrace challenges in a broad
Duration: 5 years full-time
Location: Townsville, Cairns
Bachelor of Information Technology Cultivate an in-depth knowledge of software development and management, web design, internet fundamentals and database modelling. Your understanding of these core pillars of information technology will prepare you for a future-proof career in technical systems. Gain practical knowledge through internships, workshops and project-based assessments as you learn from expert academics and industry partners.;Build your skills in software development, web design, internet systems and databases. Gain
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Online, Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) [End-on] Examine human behaviour and hone valuable research skills with this fourth-year Psychology training program. Pursue an independent research project and find your pathway within the field.;Examine human behaviour and build valuable research skills in this fourth-year training program. Take the next step in becoming a registered Psychologist.;Examine human behaviour and build valuable research skills in this fourth-year training program. Take the next step in becoming a registered Psychologist.
Duration: 1 year full-time
Location: Online, Townsville
Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Pursue a career in environmental conservation, research, communication and management. Learn how the biological, physical, social, economic and political spheres interact with and impact our environment. Gain practical experience through laboratory classes, field trips, work experience and research-based assessments as you investigate environmental issues and develop potential solutions.;Find innovative solutions to complex environmental problems. Pursue careers in environmental conservation,
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Townsville, Cairns


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Study Level : all → undergraduate

Start Month : all → july

Availability : all → Both