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Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Gain the theoretical and practical expertise to meet the needs of your future clients. Learn how physical activity impacts human ability in occupational, sport, exercise and leisure settings. You'll help clients improve their overall fitness, reduce the risk of injury, or enhance their athletic performance. With practical experience in training and testing facilities such as the JCU Performance Science Hub and the Movement Analysis Laboratory, you'll graduate career-ready and eligible for
Duration: 3 years full-time
Location: Townsville
Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) Develop highly specialised theoretical and practical knowledge within speech pathology, anatomy, linguistics, psychology, medicine, education and communication in this accredited degree. Apply a holistic and interdisciplinary understanding of health care to assess, diagnose and manage communication and swallowing difficulties and differences that will improve peoples' quality of life. You’ll benefit from over 60 hours of placement opportunities, including in rural and remote areas.;Apply your
Duration: 4 years full-time
Location: Townsville
Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Psychological Science With an advanced understanding of human behaviour and motivation, a Bachelor of Business — Bachelor of Psychological Science will empower you with the skills to maximise your employability and stand out in your future workplace. Your critical thinking, decision-making skills and knowledge of business operations will be bolstered by an understanding of what motivates employees and how to create healthy, productive work environments.;Understand the social and physiological drivers of human
Duration: 4 years full-time
Location: Townsville


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Study Level : all → undergraduate

Start Month : all → january
