Current Students Enrolment eStudent Online Help Enrolments Troubleshooting
Enrolments Troubleshooting
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- Course Enrolment Planners
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- Withdraw from subjects or your course
- Applying for Credit
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- Enrolment Terminology
- JCU Flex FAQs
Fees & Financial Support
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There are a range of problems you may encounter when enrolling in your subjects via eStudent. Please refer to the below drop-down boxes to assist you. If you require further assistance or have any questions about the following issues, you will need to contact the Student Centre.
If you can only see the My Enrolment > Current Enrolment> Enrolment Details window then you are not able to manage your study plan (including subjects enrolments and withdrawals).
If you receive a message saying the enrolment quota for this availability has been reached, then there is no availability for students to enrol in for that particular component, study period, location and attendance mode.
While every effort is made to meet student demand for each subject, at times no further expansion is possible. Once subject enrolments have reached their full quota no further enrolments are permitted via eStudent. If students withdraw, subject places will become available again.
If you receive an error message similar to the screenshot below advising you to remove some components from your Potential Enrolment List, then you have reached the maximum number of subjects allowable for your course for that particular study period.
Every course has a maximum number of subjects you can enrol into in any study period. If you exceed this number you will receive an error message.
If you receive an error message stating you cannot enrol in a study package component (subject) as this would exceed the maximum completed attempts allowed for this study package then you have already attempted that particular subject as many times as a student is allowed.
Sometimes you will receive a message to say that you are unable to change your enrolment through eStudent. This may be the result of a sanction placed on your enrolment. You can check whether you have a sanction by clicking on My Details > Sanction Details. If you have a sanction, you should check the sanctions help file for details on processes associated with removing sanctions.
In many cases a sanction is applied because of a student's Academic Status. A summary of these statuses and the sanction that is applied can be found in the table below. Students should also be familiar with the University's Academic Progression policy.
Academic Status | Description | Sanction Applied | Details |
Good Standing | This is the status that all students will have on entry to the university. | No sanction applied | |
At Risk | Students who have a GPA < 2.75 in the most recent teaching period will be given this status. | Academic Warning | This sanction is a warning only and does not prevent the student from enrolling. |
Statement Required | This status will be given to students who have a GPA < 2.75 for two consecutive teaching periods or trimesters or who have failed a core subject twice. There are some other breaches that will also result in a student's Academic Status being Statement Required. This status requires the student to submit a Statement of Reasons before continuing their course. | Restricted Enrolment | Students with this sanction need to contact their Faculty Office to make any changes to their enrolment. |
Conditional | After the Statement of Reasons has been assessed by the Associate Dean or Faculty Registrar, the student may be moved to Conditional status. There may be various conditions placed on their further enrolment. | Restricted Enrolment | Students with this sanction need to contact their Faculty Office to make any changes to their enrolment. |
Suspended | Students who don't submit a Statement of Reasons when asked, or who repeatedly perform poorly in their studies will be suspended from their course for a period of up to three years. | Academic Suspension | Students who wish to apply to return to study must contact their Faculty Office. |
Excluded | A student may be excluded indefinitely from some professional courses if they have repeatedly performed poorly and it is felt that they are unlikely to complete the course. | Academic Exclusion | Students who wish to apply to return to study must contact their Faculty Office. |
There are also a number of financial sanctions that may block your enrolment via eStudent. You may also encounter requisite and self management errors when trying to enrol via eStudent.
Note: Students are unable to change course or major via eStudent and need to contact their Student Centre for assistance.
If you are unable to view the subjects on your potential enrolment list you must first check you have added items to your list. Then, click on the hat icon that appears in the top right hand corner of your screen to access them.
If you do not have any option subjects displayed, you may need to select a major from your option/elective components for the core subjects to be displayed (see below).
- Select the major type Choose link (as below – this table will vary according to your degree).
- Click on Add to Study Planner (to add your major type choice).
The ability to enrol online within eStudent is called Self Management. This is course and subject specific and means that you may be able to enrol in one subject online but not another. If you receive an error saying self management flags do not allow you to enrol this could be a result of many things including individual, course, major & subject restrictions.
There are a variety of self management errors you may encounter:
No self management error
This error means that you are not able to enrol via eStudent and need to contact the Student Centre for assistance. You should still be able to enrol in other subjects on your planned components table.
No self management options error
You have X options/electives on your study plan but you do not have access to self select options/electives for this study plan. You will receive this error notification for options or electives that do not allow you to select subjects from them. You should still be able to enrol in other options and subjects listed.
For any self management errors please contact our Student Centre.