Make a Fee Payment

You can pay your tuition fees through eStudent via credit card (Visa or Mastercard).

You need to pay your Tuition Fees in FULL by the payment due date, otherwise your enrolment will be cancelled. If your enrolment is cancelled, JCU is required to report this to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, which may affect your Visa status.

If you are not offered a Commonwealth supported place you will be required to pay Domestic Tuition Fees. You need to make FULL payment of your tuition fees by the subject payment due date, otherwise your enrolment in that subject may be affected.  You must finalise all matters relating to your enrolment by the subject census date, otherwise your enrolment will be cancelled. You may pay your fees in instalments as long as the full payment is received by the payment due date.

Australian citizens or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa enrolled in an award course can choose to defer payment by requesting government FEE-HELP assistance. To defer payment of your fees you must submit a valid eCAF (with Tax File Number by the subject census date).

Your outstanding balances as at the census date will be advised to the Australian Taxation Office if you have requested a FEE-HELP loan.

Follow these steps to pay your fees:

  • Go to My Finances > Make a Fee Payment
  • Confirm the appropriate fee line/s are checked.

    • Amend the amount you wish to pay by changing the Amount to Pay field/s (refer to the screenshot below)Screenshot showing fee details.

Note: You can also make payments in advance by entering the amount you wish to pay in the "Additional Payment Amount" Field. See Make a Payment in Advance for further information.

  • Click on the blue Pay button after you have amended the Amount to pay amount/s: 
    Calculate payment amount button.

  • Fill in your credit card details:

    • Credit Card Number

    • Credit Card Expiry date

    • Credit Card CVV Number

  • Click on the Continue button.Screenshot showing credit card payment fields, a note Payment may take up to 3 working days to be processed and the Submit Payment button.

  • You will then see a message to show that your payment has been successful

    successful confirmation

  • The amount will then be charged to your credit card. You will receive a Payment Notification Advice (refer to the screenshot below) to the email address you selected above.

An example of a Payment Notification Advice.

The advance payment option in eStudent allows you to make a payment on your account via credit card (Visa or Mastercard).

The amount displayed as the total outstanding debt is the sum of all your outstanding fees except those that can be deferred.

Important information

This feature can be used for international students wishing to credit their account with upfront fees before their arrival/commencement of their course.