Current Students Enrolment eStudent Online Help My Parent or Guardian Education Details

My Parent or Guardian Education Details

On eStudent you can view and advise us of your parent or guardian education details.

This information is about the people (up to two) who, during all (or most) of your school years, were your parents or guardians. If you have more than two, answer about those you have spent the most time with.

You are required to check this information and confirm it is correct through the My Details tab in eStudent. Students who can enrol online MUST do this before they will be able to enrol. If you have not already confirmed your details an error message will display, follow the links to confirm your details.

  • To change or update your parent or guardian details click on the Update button
    Screenshot showing Update button

  • Make changes to the parent or guardian education details by selecting None, One or Two from the dropdown menu.

    parents/guardian details

When you answer either ONE or TWO, you will be asked for further information on their highest educational attainment.

  • Select Highest Educational Attainment type from the dropdown list

    highest educational attainment.

  • To save this information to your record, click on the Save the changes to my Parent / Guardian Education details button

    Screenshot showing the Save the changes to my Parent / Guardian Eduction details button.