
How can I provide useful feedback?

If you would like to alert the University to something you believe needs to be addressed for the good of the JCU Community and you are not seeking any personal resolution, please consider submitting a Feedback Form (below). The Feedback Form asks for your name and contact details in case we need to clarify any details. The University will, however, accept an anonymous submission.

What does JCU do with my feedback?

Your feedback is sent to the relevant senior staff member. This staff member will consider your feedback, advise staff when things have gone well and/or consider what could be done to improve your student experience. If you have requested a response, this will be provided to you in due course.

Further opportunities to provide feedback

We appreciate any information you provide about your experience at JCU. We have a range of informal and formal opportunities where you can do this, such as:

SEAC is a sub-committee of Education Committee, formed in 2023 (replacing the Student Advisory Forum) to represent the interests of students and promote cross-institutional communication and interaction among JCU students and staff.

You can find more information about SEAC at the Information for Students section of the Education Division website.

Students can get involved through membership of the JCU Council, the JCUSA Student Council, and Student Councils in Brisbane and Singapore. You can find more information about these councils at their webpage.

Students can get involved in JCU’s prevention and response work for sexual harassment and sexual assault by participating in Student Reference Group meetings. Email to express your interest.

Every year, JCU Council reviews and approves JCU’s student consultation processes both for general purposes and for the specific purpose of determining the expenditure of the proceeds from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) income. You can find more information about the Student Consultation Process at its webpage.

Your JCU Subject and Teaching Survey

This survey is designed to obtain student feedback on the quality of subjects and teaching at JCU. It's an opportunity for you to express your opinions about your student experience. Your feedback supports JCU to improve subject content and delivery. You can find more information about the benefits of this survey at its webpage.

QILT surveys:

Student Experience Survey
Graduate Outcomes Survey
Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal
International Student Barometer