Current Students Feedback and complaints YourJCU Subject and Teaching Survey

YourJCU Subject and Teaching Survey

As part of JCU's commitment to improving the quality of subjects and teaching, we regularly seek feedback from students on their learning and teaching experiences.

The YourJCU survey suite consists of three surveys, all designed with different intent, that are deployed to enrolled students* throughout the course of a study period. Surveys are conducted for all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework offerings and are deployed to the schedule in the YourJCU Survey Calendar.

YourJCU surveys are deployed through the Qualtrics platform, are easy to navigate, secure, centralised and provide students with an avenue to share confidential feedback.

When a survey opens, an email is sent via JCU student email accounts, and surveys can be accessed two ways:

  1. Click on the unique link that is provided for in the email
  2. Log into LearnJCU and select Tools from the navigation menu, then select the YourJCU Surveys button. You will then be directed to your personal Survey Portal where you will see all of your available surveys

See the YourJCU Survey FAQs for further information.

*enrolled at the time of data extraction and preparation

YourJCU Survey Suite

Deployed to students towards the end of a study period with the intent of collecting feedback on learning experiences within a subject.

The closing date for Subject surveys is set to five days after the end date of a study period. The exception to this rule is where there is a shorter number of days between the end of a study period and the publication of survey results.
Student surveys will always close before the publication of subject results.

Feedback provided in response to Subject surveys are not released to Academic staff for viewing until 5 days after the results publication date of a study period.

Survey Questions: YourJCU Subject Survey

Deployed with the same schedule as YourJCU Subject surveys.
This survey intends to capture feedback of your experiences of teaching within a subject.

NOTE: Teaching staff must complete opt-in for a teaching survey to be deployed, and therefore, you may not receive a Teaching survey for all of your subjects

Survey Questions: YourJCU Teaching Survey

How do JCU staff use the survey feedback?

Dr Leah Daniel 

"Subjects that provide great student experiences are those where the students themselves have had a say in how they work. Student feedback takes the guesswork out of improving my subjects because I’m not basing subject changes on the thoughts of only a few students who’ve spoken to me over the semester. The YourJCU student feedback is a way for me to hear from every student, so it’s a wonderful opportunity for students to have their voice heard at JCU."

Dr Leah Daniel
Lecturer, Mathematics Education

Dr Kate Miller 

"It’s so helpful when students provide constructive feedback about course content, because I can use it to make changes that would improve delivery of content to make it a better learning experience. I can also use feedback to improve assessment tasks and ensure relevancy to the content being taught. Student feedback about their learning, what helped them and what they would like more of, is valuable because it provides me with information on which learning activities are effective and which activities need to be improved."

Dr Kate Miller
Lecturer, Microbiology and Immunology