TESS Our People Postgraduate students

Postgraduate students

Iftakharul (Russel) Alam

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Andres Ruiz Alvarez

PhD Candidate - AITHM

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Thomas Bruce

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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PhD Candidate - CSE

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Emma Carmichael

PhD Candidate CSE

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Sieara Claytor

JCU College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences

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Michelle Cooper

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Matthew Connors

Honours candidate

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Alejandro de La Fuente Pinero

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Jayden Engert

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Estefania Erazo-Mera

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Nahid Farha

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Caroline Fassina

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Janet Gagul

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Melinda Greenfield

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Jordy Groffren

Phd Candidate - CSE

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Sher Bahadur Gurung

PhD candidate - CSE

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Xennephone Hadeen

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Linda Hernandez Duran

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Arnold Hendrik

PhD candidate ATH/JCU

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Fredrick Holden

PhD candidate - CSE

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Katrina Kaposi

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Sara Kophamel

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Anna Kreij

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Lily Leahy

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Ting Li

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Lauren Linnenlucke

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Camila Lopes

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Laura Lopresti

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Photo of Shahid Mehmood

Shahid Mehmood

PhD Candidate

Kali Middleby

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Consolata Nanjala


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Emmeline Norris

PhD Candidate CSE

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Phuntsho Pelgay

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Gabriel Porolak

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Ebony Potts

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Arun Singh Ramesh

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Misha Rowell

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Rismita Sari

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Amy Shima

JCU College of Public Health, Medical & Veterinary Sciences

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Michael Sturman

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Tom Swan

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Kamal Thapa

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Stephanie Todd

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Anthony Waddle

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Tombo Warra

JCU - College of Science and Engineering

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Jason Wau

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Rebecca Webb

JCU School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences

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Wytamma Wirth

JCU College of Science and Engineering

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Mojca Zega

JCU CABAH Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage

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