VAVS Home Audio Visual Services

Audio Visual Services

Front line AV support was traditionally conducted f2f in room. However, with the improvement in network bandwidth and AV device connectivity, the support model is progressively moving towards a remote model predominantly delivered over the phone and foresee-ably the HelpDesk becoming the focus point in the near future.

It is worth noting AV staff has a much better overview and greater ability to troubleshoot remotely rather than being in the room.

The Digital Service Delivery team ( provides:


The Digital Spaces Engineering team ( provides:

  • Teaching rooms at JCU and affiliated campuses have been fitted with a range of audio visual equipment such as touch panels or button controllers, flat panel displays (large TV monitors), projectors, document cameras, speakers, microphones, in-house computers, wireless presenters and cables with adaptors to connect laptops. AV rooms are classified according to equipment and purpose - for further details see the classification page.

Check out the JCU Room Viewer App which provides

  • a virtual view of rooms
  • a room user guide
  • list of equipment is fitted
  • equipment user  instructions

As a direct consequence of COVID, Blackboard Collaborate and Zoom became a necessity for teaching while students and lecturers were locked in isolation. Recovery from COVID re-introduced face-to-face teaching with some disciplines concurrently delivering on-line, which firmly established the hybrid teaching model.

Zoom and hybrid teaching lend themselves to the easier option from an AV Services perspective in that room cameras and microphones integrate directly with Zoom in all video conference enabled rooms. Collaborate however, is only executable on the in room AIO Dell house PC with its limitations of the inbuilt camera and microphone. Zoom in AV rooms without video conference hardware suffers the same fate as Collaborate i.e. relies on the inbuilt PC camera and microphone.

AV Services plans are under way to augment the system set-up in centrally bookable rooms by routing room cameras and microphones to the house PC, thereby making it easier to set-up the hybrid session and remove the requirement for teaching staff to carry their own equipment. An AV recommendation is in place, to design future installs with the hybrid model in mind.

The AV hybrid model is currently available as follows:

Cairns  Nguma-bada  
  • A002-114
AVERWireless lapel
  • A002-116
AVERAVER inbuilt mic
  • A002-135
AVERAVER inbuilt mic
  • B1-108
PTZ OpticsWireless lapel
  • E1-013A
  • E1-022
AVER & HuddlyWireless handheld & ceiling Audix
Cairns City Bada-jali  
  • 004
  • 103
  • 111
Townsville - Bebegu Yumba   
  • 025-001
Sony (VC camera)Lectern and both wireless
  • 028-003
Panasonic - remote controlWireless lapel
  • 028-004
Panasonic - remote controlWireless lapel
  • 302-009
AVERWireless lapel
  • 506-001
PTZ Panasonic - touch panel controlledWireless handheld & lapel

For the benefit of the next presenter/lecturer, we encourage reporting any technical problems promptly to:

For more information visit JCU Virtual Tours